21st March – 20th April
Love planet Venus returns to your relationship zone from the 8th, in mood for a reunion or reconnection; it’s also a time when peace and harmony can be restored, especially if it’s been noticeably lacking of late. There’s a turning point for you from the 18th somehow, where relationships seem easier to move forward, which is helpful during the final week during a particularly challenging planet pattern that symbolises flashes and clashes of conflict, in communication especially. On the positive side, it can certainly clear the air.
21st April – 21st May
This is a month of tying up loose ends on complaints and grievances that have bugged you for some time now. Don’t worry if at first it seems to get worse than before, because for some reason it always gets worse before it gets better, and it means you can see more clearly what you’re dealing with as it’s brought to the forefront more vividly. It’s all been about reaching a new balance; integrating and accepting rather than denying and pushing away. There’s a turning point from the 18th, when things feel fairer, more equal, in your perception.
22nd May – 21st June
There’s a nice new moon on the 6th related to work, as well as long-term plans, and is also great for impressing those who matter. Not that you are that bothered about their approval, which is probably why it’s so easy to gain it, but it’s nice all the same. Around the 18th there’s important links to partnerships, as your relationship ruler Jupiter is moving forward in a new way; no more holding back, or things feeling held up. Keep the faith during the final week (especially at work), as there’s no holding back on communication, whatever the mood, and it’s all rather sudden.
22nd June – 22nd July
Your creativity is calling you big time this month, and this has potential income attached. The trick is flowing your energy towards where it is your heart really lies as there’s no room for duty or obligation where creativity is concerned. Matters of the heart have a magic in other ways too, as romance is in the air, especially around mid-month. Do your best to detach from drama as the month goes on; there’s a disruptive vibe brewing in certain situations that you feel drawn to sort out, but perhaps you’re best viewing fireworks from a distance?
23rd July – 23rd August
Home, family, comfort zone, nostalgia, it’s all stirring you emotionally for much of November, especially around new moon time on the 6th, when you come to realise it’s about transforming the past, not throwing it away or destroying it. There’s buried treasure to come to light around this; maybe through communication that gives you a new perspective and turning point from the 18th. You’re having fun this month but also in the mood for quiet time, however certain situations will challenge you every step of the way on that one, especially during the final week.
24th August – 22nd September
You’ve been looking to heal or transform certain situations with your words and it’s easy when powered by the intention-filled new moon on the 6th. There’s some unfinished business to wrap up regarding finances when Venus slips back into this zone of your chart from the 8th, but it’s all for a positive purpose, which might begin to show itself when Venus changes direction on the 18th, as things move forward from then. This is true of relationships too, although with a highly unpredictable, and at times volatile, edge during the final week. It’s still all about moving forward though.
23rd September – 23rd October
Your ruler Venus returns to your sign from the 9th, bringing the return of unfinished business, especially from September time. Then Venus hits a turning point around the 18th, and so do you: no more looking to the past, no more feeling that things are passing you by, no more feeling you can’t get yourself going in the right direction. Instead, there’s faith in the future once again; situations seem to sort themselves out and you can actually see your path forward. Now is the time to receive the benefit of your hard work from weeks gone by.
24th October – 22nd November
The annual new moon in Scorpio is on the 6th. It’s always a good time for a bit of self-reflection and to get clear on current intentions as new moons always symbolise what is incubating emotionally, and it feels more significant when in your sign. Think of it as a New Year for the emotions, and use negative feelings as fertilizer for a positive new perspective. Venus helps with this by leaving your sign till the end of the month, encouraging you to see both sides of an argument or problem. It helps clear a long-standing nagging sense of injustice, to see where they’re coming from.
23rd November – 21st December
Bit of a turning point happening for Sag this month: not only is your ruler Jupiter ending its retrograde phase (where it appeared to go backwards) from the 18th, but the sun moves into your sign, from the 22nd. It’s from the first week that you might start to sense a shift in situations coming, perhaps with communication breaking something loose in a stalemate and ending that stuck feeling, or maybe new light is shed on some issues (especially relating to home). Whatever way it works, Jupiter’s turnaround matches your own feeling of being able to move forward, and look forward, once again.
22nd December – 20th January
It’s busy and social first week of the month, and friends are glad of your support and problem-solving skills. Work-wise you are the power behind the scenes midmonth, while at home your opinion matters. There’s also the potential for opportunities to re-emerge at work that you thought had passed you by; or it’s a case of finding a new direction lighting up before your eyes (especially from the 18th). Final week of November is ripe for drama and arguments: fiery Mars clashes with unpredictable Uranus at that time, so nothing gets bottled up for later.
21st January – 18th February
First week especially is so work and career orientated; it’s all about direction and planning, with a new moon in this area of your chart on the 6th that symbolises new feelings emerging about where you go from here. No worries if you don’t have the bigger picture at that time, it’s because Neptune is clouding issues as well as your creative mind (only temporarily, till the 18th). There’s a lucky feel for finances too, but again, don’t let Neptune fog your instinct. Mars makes friendships fiery and unpredictable end of the month, but also fast-moving to new and better places.
19th February – 20th March
It’s clear you mean business this month; it’s because you’ve got a sense of the bigger picture at work in your life, which automatically gives you a sense of where your priorities lie. You’re in the mood for action on aims and ambitions; more so when Jupiter changes direction in your sign from the 18th, as this symbolises an important change of direction in you; looking ahead, not to the past, and looking forward to the future. Final week can stir things up though, as the mood is unruly and you’re in the mood to let loose a bit.