I wrote this for Michele Knight's astrology site, it's a look at how Uranus in Aries might affect your sign... Neptune in Pisces to follow shortly...
From March 12th 2011, Uranus, the planet of freedom and individuality, moves into Aries, the sign of action and activity, for the next 7 years. Uranus had a brief visit into Aries last year, between May and August of 2010, but from March it’s there to stay. It means big, big change for Aries of course, but we are all affected somehow by this amazing energy. Here’s what it might mean for you.
Your impulsive call to action at the drop of a hat is about to become turbo charged; Uranus in your sign indicates an irresistible rollercoaster ride of self-discovery by acting with single-minded abandon toward your desired outcome. Aries is often accused of being selfish, but Uranus is about to rebrand the concept to self-focused; it’s about recognizing, understanding, and serving your own authentic and unique nature, and the natural byproduct of all that is the ability to serve others in the process. Enjoy and celebrate your self-focused energy and others will too!
Uranus, also known as the Awakener, is going to be influencing unconscious processes such as your sleep patterns and your dreams. It can mean sleep disturbance until you get used to the energy, but really it’s about you becoming more conscious of your intuition and your sixth sense. Keep a note pad by the bed for interesting info delivered through dreams, you might be surprised at the good ideas you can come up with suddenly at 3am. Uranus style wake-up calls might take some getting used to at first, but you can gain great insight and the freedom to switch off from full on problem solving – just take a power nap instead.
There are new friendships coming your way under Uranus in Aries influence; these are the sort of friendships that take you to new places that instantly feel like home. Learn how the Law of Attraction works by birds of a feather flocking together, via following your gut instinct to certain groups and gatherings that turn out to be synchronistic in their working; orchestrated perfectly to deliver what you wanted to know, learn and experience. Some friends come and go, briefly, suddenly; others stick around, but all bring new sense of freedom into your life that you’ve been restless for, for some time.
Its career and status that Uranus is helping you find a new freedom within; you can’t settle for less than a good reflection of who you feel you really are as an individual. Symptoms of a Uranus style shake up on the work front include a nagging boredom, a rebellious streak, and ideas and impulses that strike like lightning about new directions and desires. Uranus brings new choices, new alternatives, some of them untried and untested; don’t dismiss anything just because it might be risky or because others disapprove, as you have a good gut instinct for the kind of challenge you are looking for.
Uranus is influencing your beleifs and perspectives; your point of view is suddenly something you crave the panoramic version of: open minded and unfettered…and most definitely uncensored. Gone are the days where you would hold your tongue for the sake of keeping the peace; it’s because you are becoming a live and let live activist, beginning with yourself and what you stand for. It’s all about the broadening of your horizons, mentally, philosophically, and also physically; so travel is becoming a Uranian experience too; it’s a learning curve, and when the student is ready, Uranus the teacher appears.
For Virgo, the Uranus energy is all about trust versus control. It’s about finding the freedom in surrender. It’s a tricky one, because when it comes to trusting to the unknown or uncontrollable, you are a fighter by nature, and you often mistake surrender of control for a feeling of defeat, but this is what Uranus is about to turn on its head and revolutionise in your approach; firstly by making you restless for change, and then by striking whenever the iron is hot and providing plenty of reasons to sing a chorus of Que Sera Sera. It’s not the uncontrollable factors you are trusting to, it’s about trusting yourself despite the uncontrollable factors.
Uranus is about to encourage a radical shake-up when it comes to your relationships, partnerships, contracts and agreements. It’s not necessarily a shake-up for a break-up, but your priority right now is focusing on your priorities in relationship, and those connections that don’t balance up are going to fall by the wayside. Anything that doesn’t make you feel free to be the partner you were born to be is going to inspire an increasing sense of detachment from you. Some relationships thrive under this influence of course; those that can keep up to speed with the new you will flourish and grow in unexpected ways.
Uranus energy is unique, individualistic energy, which is geared towards the new or alternative route, and for Scorpio this energy will be affecting your day to day routine – your diary planner and your To Do lists. It means you will probably kick against others schedule’s more than usual, and you’ll be more unpredictable with appointment keeping, but boy, will you get stuff done. Uranus isn’t about linear time; it’s more about that feeling of time speeding up that we’ve all noticed, and Uranus is about to get you nicely up to that kind of warp speed. It’s also affecting your attitude to health and wellbeing, so prepare to be enticed and excited by new-fangled and alternative approaches.
The pace is hotting up in all matters of the heart; this is romance, creativity, fun, entertainment – anything that makes your heart sing, and the day feel a bit brighter and lighter, is about to feel a power surge; a charge of energy that makes it impossible to do anything else but follow your impulse to bliss. Your art is ahead of its time, your romance is two steps ahead of any game you play, and you are drawn to weird new technology for the fun of it. Your inspiration comes in unpredictable flashes, like lightning, but you are the one to earth this creative energy, however you choose, just for the joy of it.
Uranus, planet of radical shake-ups and fiercely independent natures, is about to settle into your comfort zone, unsettling any too comfy, too old, and too tired habits and behaviours. If you’ve felt in a bit of a rut emotionally, or that emotional ties to certain situations could do with a bit of un-loosening, Uranus is at your service. You are more ready than ever to climb out of old ruts of the past and find some new grooves, more suited to the person you are now. Home and family matters are also under the influence of this Uranian energy; you might find yourself restless and needing more space at times, as you value your independence more than ever and you support that in others too.
This Uranus shift is big for Aquarius because Uranus is your ruling planet. You are more familiar with the wavelength of its energy than other signs, so you’re used to feeling forward for the future experience rather than looking for comfort in the what has been. But still you’ll feel a change in tempo and temperature, as well as in focus regarding certain areas of life. Uranus is going to be heavily influencing your communications for the next 7 years, and so there’s nothing backward in coming forward when it comes to getting the message across; along with an extra X-factor in your expression from now on. Prepare for plenty of coincidence and synchronicity regarding communication too; Uranus loves weirdness like that.
Uranus leaves your sign from the 12th March, and won’t be back for another 84 years. Since around 2003, it’s been relentless in pulling your focus toward the future and away from the past, as well as causing disruption or disconnection in any situation that wasn’t supporting your true colours. It has been a bit of a full on, once in a lifetime ride, and looking back it has served you well; you are more in tune with yourself than ever, more at one with the unique person you are now. Uranus is moving on to influence your finances, property and income… you are about to feel a new sense of freedom by the building of empires, or by cutting loose and flying free of material concerns. Maybe a bit of both; there’s no right and wrong path in this.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Sunday, April 03, 2011
April Horoscopes
21st March – 20th April
Busiest of months for Aries for a long long time, so much going on, so many planets active in your sign… Mercury retrograde till the 22nd means don’t get hung up on delays or dissolving deadlines; it’s all temporary (just watch what happens around the 30th). Mars in your sign from the 2nd means your motivation is at an all-time high; Venus from the 21st makes you a love magnet. And this is all despite feeling like you are driving with the brakes on in relationships, thanks to Jupiter/Saturn clash. Keep the faith, within current limitations and watch the limitations dissolve.
21st April – 21st May
There’s a lot of emphasis on going with the flow of situations right now, but this doesn’t mean sitting back and watching the action happen around you; rather it feels like you can’t help but answer the strong call to jump into action and get moving. Meanwhile planet Neptune is starting a journey through your house of friends, groups and gatherings, so till the summer you might find your taste and style changing within group dynamics; where before, cynical or shouty people were like water off a ducks back, from now it’s all about a softer more comfy vibe.
22nd May – 21st June
Lots of action in situations involving friends, groups, and gatherings this month. Also your hopes and dreams for the future and how your chosen crowd relates/supports them. Your ruler mercury is retrograde (appearing to move backwards) here for much of the month, so while misunderstandings or backtrackings might be an issue, so are reconnections and reunions. The vibe in general is new opportunities, so even if it’s the past revisited, there’ll be a new chapter. Neptune moves into your career zone till the summer, which means go with the flow, and use intuition. Luckily, you’re fine with following the prevailing wind.
22nd June – 22nd July
A tricky new moon on the 4th highlights mixed feelings regarding opportunities that are being restricted somewhat, especially concerning career; but there are also open doors to step through this month, particularly around the 6th and the 30th, and step through them you will, as well as pushing open a few yourself, as you are highly motivated to initiate action and get the ball rolling on. 11th and 27th is challenging for relationships… power struggles can be an issue, but romance might benefit from the intrigue and seduction if you can stay positive. Dreamy Neptune offers new perspectives – get beside water and reflect.
23rd July – 23rd August
Your house of travel is packed full of planets raring to go, but this is no ordinary holiday rest and respite that is calling you, its action and adventure you are seeking, some kind of quest that stimulates and grabs you, body mind and soul. Communication hits obstacles and blocks at times this month, but before you blame others entirely, consider the idea that there’s something you feel you can’t say or shouldn’t say, and others are simply mirroring your own self-judgment; deep dynamics indeed (especially around full moon time on the 18th) but rewarding and relieving to release.
24th August – 22nd September
Big news this month is Neptune moving into the relationship angle of your chart till the summer. It’s eventually staying longterm (14years) but this is a temporary visit, a taster of years to come. Neptune is the planet that rules your relationships, so it’s good news as it’s happily in its element hanging out here. There’s more compassion, more intuition, more magic, and romance to be had than ever before, though at the messy end of the stick there’s some sacrificial lamb/martyr dynamics to tidy before the relationship waters run totally clear and pure, but there’s plenty of time to sort that.
23rd September – 23rd October
It’s all happening in the relationship department… 6 planets on the move in this area of your chart indicates big focus and therefore lots of your energy pouring towards this area of life. There are themes of sorting priorities and boundaries in all relationships, also love matches with high stakes, and overall, a new acceptance of your own competitive spirit and desire for success. See how it all fits during the new moon in libra around the 18th. Added to this, till the summer, non-physical Neptune is helping you find solutions, which most likely means out of thin air.
24th October – 22nd November
You’re a busy bee when it comes to problem-solving this month; loads of planets line up in this area of your chart, which also links to your attitude to health and wellbeing, so enjoy an increased motivation and inspiration to seek solutions and move towards whatever feels better for yourself. Your ruler Pluto retrogrades from the 9th, which could coincide with a turning point in this; especially related to feeling a pressure to speak up or speak out. Neptune is starting a whole new journey influencing your creativity; so art and music, especially your own, is going to move you like never before.
23rd November – 21st December
If you are annoyed or disappointed by friends letting you down when you seem to need them most, you can find solace in your own creative spirit as well as your talent to naturally gravitate to where you really need to be most, so trust your impulse for action, especially around the 6th and the 30th. Imagination planet Neptune moves into your comfort zone till the summer, influencing close emotional ties, home and family, and past memories; so it’s a season of nebulous mists as well mellow fruitful vibes, with ghosts from the past alongside dreams of the future.
22nd December – 20th January
Loads of planets are filling your home and comfort zone with dynamic, fast moving energy, so there’s likely to be plenty happening, and plenty of coming and going; including family gatherings, celebrations and important reunions; as well as plans and projects underway for expansion or new design. Don’t let limits grind you down or overwhelm you, just pick your way steadily through the pieces of opportunity as they show up. Dreamy Neptune influences communication till the summer; downside is brain fog at times, but upside is incredibly inspirational and imaginative communication – to give and receive.
21st January – 18th February
What a month for communication and conversation; it’s all happening at once, sometimes literally. It’s all about moving forward through contacts and connections, yet with mercury retrograde directly affecting your communication, it seems that some of this moving forward includes a bit of stepping back too, especially in time, as there’s some reconnecting with past being done. You hit some barriers of belief this month, either with yourself or with others, but don’t waste time justifying or defending in order to open people’s minds as it just closes down your own.
19th February – 20th March
From the 4th, driven by the power of a new moon (new emotional phase) in your house of self-worth, your ruling planet Neptune is starting a journey through your sign. It’s a temporary visit, till the summer, but eventually will be staying put for 14years. It’s a once in a lifetime thing as Neptune moves ever so slowly, so it’s something to look forward to and make the most of the life changes it encourages. For example, there’s a frenetic, buzzing and busy energy around your finances this month, yet Neptune helps you chillax and zen out no matter what.
21st March – 20th April
Busiest of months for Aries for a long long time, so much going on, so many planets active in your sign… Mercury retrograde till the 22nd means don’t get hung up on delays or dissolving deadlines; it’s all temporary (just watch what happens around the 30th). Mars in your sign from the 2nd means your motivation is at an all-time high; Venus from the 21st makes you a love magnet. And this is all despite feeling like you are driving with the brakes on in relationships, thanks to Jupiter/Saturn clash. Keep the faith, within current limitations and watch the limitations dissolve.
21st April – 21st May
There’s a lot of emphasis on going with the flow of situations right now, but this doesn’t mean sitting back and watching the action happen around you; rather it feels like you can’t help but answer the strong call to jump into action and get moving. Meanwhile planet Neptune is starting a journey through your house of friends, groups and gatherings, so till the summer you might find your taste and style changing within group dynamics; where before, cynical or shouty people were like water off a ducks back, from now it’s all about a softer more comfy vibe.
22nd May – 21st June
Lots of action in situations involving friends, groups, and gatherings this month. Also your hopes and dreams for the future and how your chosen crowd relates/supports them. Your ruler mercury is retrograde (appearing to move backwards) here for much of the month, so while misunderstandings or backtrackings might be an issue, so are reconnections and reunions. The vibe in general is new opportunities, so even if it’s the past revisited, there’ll be a new chapter. Neptune moves into your career zone till the summer, which means go with the flow, and use intuition. Luckily, you’re fine with following the prevailing wind.
22nd June – 22nd July
A tricky new moon on the 4th highlights mixed feelings regarding opportunities that are being restricted somewhat, especially concerning career; but there are also open doors to step through this month, particularly around the 6th and the 30th, and step through them you will, as well as pushing open a few yourself, as you are highly motivated to initiate action and get the ball rolling on. 11th and 27th is challenging for relationships… power struggles can be an issue, but romance might benefit from the intrigue and seduction if you can stay positive. Dreamy Neptune offers new perspectives – get beside water and reflect.
23rd July – 23rd August
Your house of travel is packed full of planets raring to go, but this is no ordinary holiday rest and respite that is calling you, its action and adventure you are seeking, some kind of quest that stimulates and grabs you, body mind and soul. Communication hits obstacles and blocks at times this month, but before you blame others entirely, consider the idea that there’s something you feel you can’t say or shouldn’t say, and others are simply mirroring your own self-judgment; deep dynamics indeed (especially around full moon time on the 18th) but rewarding and relieving to release.
24th August – 22nd September
Big news this month is Neptune moving into the relationship angle of your chart till the summer. It’s eventually staying longterm (14years) but this is a temporary visit, a taster of years to come. Neptune is the planet that rules your relationships, so it’s good news as it’s happily in its element hanging out here. There’s more compassion, more intuition, more magic, and romance to be had than ever before, though at the messy end of the stick there’s some sacrificial lamb/martyr dynamics to tidy before the relationship waters run totally clear and pure, but there’s plenty of time to sort that.
23rd September – 23rd October
It’s all happening in the relationship department… 6 planets on the move in this area of your chart indicates big focus and therefore lots of your energy pouring towards this area of life. There are themes of sorting priorities and boundaries in all relationships, also love matches with high stakes, and overall, a new acceptance of your own competitive spirit and desire for success. See how it all fits during the new moon in libra around the 18th. Added to this, till the summer, non-physical Neptune is helping you find solutions, which most likely means out of thin air.
24th October – 22nd November
You’re a busy bee when it comes to problem-solving this month; loads of planets line up in this area of your chart, which also links to your attitude to health and wellbeing, so enjoy an increased motivation and inspiration to seek solutions and move towards whatever feels better for yourself. Your ruler Pluto retrogrades from the 9th, which could coincide with a turning point in this; especially related to feeling a pressure to speak up or speak out. Neptune is starting a whole new journey influencing your creativity; so art and music, especially your own, is going to move you like never before.
23rd November – 21st December
If you are annoyed or disappointed by friends letting you down when you seem to need them most, you can find solace in your own creative spirit as well as your talent to naturally gravitate to where you really need to be most, so trust your impulse for action, especially around the 6th and the 30th. Imagination planet Neptune moves into your comfort zone till the summer, influencing close emotional ties, home and family, and past memories; so it’s a season of nebulous mists as well mellow fruitful vibes, with ghosts from the past alongside dreams of the future.
22nd December – 20th January
Loads of planets are filling your home and comfort zone with dynamic, fast moving energy, so there’s likely to be plenty happening, and plenty of coming and going; including family gatherings, celebrations and important reunions; as well as plans and projects underway for expansion or new design. Don’t let limits grind you down or overwhelm you, just pick your way steadily through the pieces of opportunity as they show up. Dreamy Neptune influences communication till the summer; downside is brain fog at times, but upside is incredibly inspirational and imaginative communication – to give and receive.
21st January – 18th February
What a month for communication and conversation; it’s all happening at once, sometimes literally. It’s all about moving forward through contacts and connections, yet with mercury retrograde directly affecting your communication, it seems that some of this moving forward includes a bit of stepping back too, especially in time, as there’s some reconnecting with past being done. You hit some barriers of belief this month, either with yourself or with others, but don’t waste time justifying or defending in order to open people’s minds as it just closes down your own.
19th February – 20th March
From the 4th, driven by the power of a new moon (new emotional phase) in your house of self-worth, your ruling planet Neptune is starting a journey through your sign. It’s a temporary visit, till the summer, but eventually will be staying put for 14years. It’s a once in a lifetime thing as Neptune moves ever so slowly, so it’s something to look forward to and make the most of the life changes it encourages. For example, there’s a frenetic, buzzing and busy energy around your finances this month, yet Neptune helps you chillax and zen out no matter what.
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