Thursday, September 01, 2011

Horoscopes for September

21st March – 20th April
Your ruler Mars moves into the most creative angle of your chart from the 19th; it’s all about what makes your heart sing, so follow your bliss and the entertainment value of that. Interesting month relationship-wise; there’s a cosy comfort zone feel around the 10th, but 17th speaks of sudden moves and unpredictability; both extremes seem to feed events around new moon time on the 27th, which is very much about you and your partner balancing new priorities. It’s also big for work at that time too; perhaps a bit of an overhaul going on somehow somewhere.

21st April – 21st May
Lovely vibe for big change and transformation up to midmonth; it feels natural, easy to accommodate, and very much wanted, despite indicating some doors closing it’s easy to trust that what you need will be there when you need it. It’s lovely for love around the 10th, and from the 17th there’s not much time lag between problem and solution, which makes problems much sweeter to bear, and new moon on the 27th focuses your interest suddenly towards health and fitness; make the most of that moment, as your attention can also wander when it comes to that subject.

22nd May – 21st June
Around the 8th there’s potential for confusion or uncertainty in communication or connections; this might echo events from early August, or perhaps a resurfacing issue is a chance to tie loose ends or find certainty over vagueness. Love dynamics are at their most passionate at the end of the month but before that, go with the flow and no trying to force circumstances your way. New moon on 27th is inspirational for you; perhaps a group, gathering or friendship is your catalyst for creative outpouring.

22nd June – 22nd July
Go for communication (especially in romance) around the 10th as you hold a perfect blend in attitude, pushy yet harmony-seeking. Full moon on 9th brings feelings of fulfilment from a learning curve; the joy really is in how you view the journey, which is good to remember around the 17th. Finance/career opportunities can surface suddenly around the 23rd, and new moon in your comfort zone on the 27th is a catalyst for lightning fast changes linked to home and family, as well as more work related freedom and independence.

23rd July – 23rd August
There’s a temporary blind spot in love around the 8th. Love-struck Leo’s might not feel the full picture then, but also this could be a residue of events from early August (hard to feel heard and easy to feel absence). It’s temporary. Mars into Leo from 19th means motivation is high and momentum easy to maintain. You want to keep moving and active, and your view of what’s possible is positive and attainable (anything’s possible around the 23rd). New moon on 27th ushers a new phase around routines and schedules; change is calling you, quite intensely at times.

Up to around the 10th might feel like groundhog day, recalling events approx early August. Mercury is back in your sign from that time, around the 9th, so there’s a feeling of completion at last regarding certain situations left undone or undefined for far too long. Full moon on 12th deepens emotions and meaningful connection within all relationships, especially romance; and a beautiful aspect between Mercury in your sign to lucky planet Jupiter around the 14th opens your mind (and therefore the door of opportunity) towards your heart’s desire/s.

23rd September – 23rd October
Quite quiet up to midmonth, but things get going (and when they do, they really do) once Venus, then Sun, moves into your sign on 15th and 23rd. Events around 17th put you in touch with some intense emotions – it’s a chance to let go of feelings about past relationships that are not relevant for who you are now, and 26th is a full on kind of time, in a fulfilling kind of way and it’s when Mercury joins Sun and Venus in your sign. New moon in Libra on 27th means new emotional phase; it’s great for goal setting and getting things into perspective.

24th October – 22nd November
Fabulous first week. Your ruler Pluto links up lovely with expansion planet Jupiter. It’s superb for relationships, and for big relationship talks. No more moving in circles, things actually spiral with development when these two planets are working together. Work problems are highlighted around the 17th, but don’t struggle for solution as it’s due toward end of month with a psychic new moon on the 27th, which stimulates your 6th sense. Trust that you just know what to say and when to say it at this time.

23rd November – 21st December
Your ruler Jupiter links up to transformation planet Pluto on the 2nd, which indicates an excellent period of expansion and development in store this month, particularly around the subject of finances. It’s a kind of clear the clutter urge in general that hits you, and as ever with Pluto, the challenge is to let go of the urge to control the uncontrollable, and trust the process despite feeling slightly in the dark. New moon on the 27th indicates a new phase for friendship, and strain or tension in relationships around the 29th is temporary, while the urge for commitment is longterm.

22nd December – 20th January
You are going through a bit of a transformation with yourself at times this month, maybe literally with a make-over or style change, but also through your impact on situations; creatively, romantically, it’s all feeling powerful and profound and you’re the one who makes it happen. Career or long-term plans dominate your focus from the 15th, especially around 17th/18th when you feel particularly absorbed by what’s unfolding, and around 27th when the direction of events seem wildly unpredictable for a time. The 29th is a time for commitment to direction, and you are comfortable with the terms and conditions.

21st January – 18th February
Relationships are a bit up in the air for a while this month, and it’s you who feels a bit foggy with details or oblivious about what others are trying to convey. It’s a temporary blind spot that changes from the 19th, and especially on the 23rd, when passionate Mars sharpens your focus, powers up your intentions and quickens the pace of events around relationships, and also travel and education. Some changes that come your way feel out of your hands, but try to reach for trust that what you need when you need it is part of what comes too.

19th February – 20th March
Friendships, groups and gatherings are a focus of growth, change and development all month, and sometimes it’s plain sailing, sometimes a rollercoaster, but the underlying vibe is positive progress, even with a rather challenging new moon on the 27th. Romance feels fun and contented around the 10th, and deepens in intimacy after midmonth. Finances, especially joint or shared interests have an unconventional approach around the 17th and a strong feeling of responsibility around the 29th but mixing friendship and financial interests can activate power struggles, especially around new moon time.