Sunday, September 27, 2015

Mars Announcement During Eclipse Time

Apparently, there's going to be this big announcement from NASA about Mars tomorrow (28th Sep). It's the blood moon eclipse tonight, in the sign of Aries, which is the sign that planet Mars rules. 
Eclipses are about significant events with long-term impact, so it's likely to be an interesting announcement...

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Buy A Reading!

  • Often, current or recent circumstances begin to make a whole lot more sense when we look at what the planets are up to for us personally.

  • Astrology helps connect us to the bigger picture, which is ALWAYS working for our benefit, no matter how things look from our viewpoint.

  • And we can stop tensing against the future or fearing the unknown, once we get a perspective on it. Astrology is very helpful for doing this. 

If you have an issue or question about current circumstances that you would like to get my astrological perspective about, I will take a look at your chart and see how current planet patterns are hitting your chart, then write you my interpretation; usually in 7 working days or less.

Price for this reading is £60 UK which is approx $90 USD

I will need:
- your date of birth (written 22nd April 85, rather than 22/4/85),
- place of birth (ie town or city, and country),
- time of birth

(if you have no time of birth, that's ok -  I will use a solar chart for you instead.. it's surprising how accurate a solar chart can be).

Click below to buy a reading, and I will contact you via your Paypal email. You can add birthdata and questions on your Paypal form, or you wait till I email you and we can discuss it then.

Or email me before buying if you have queries you would like me to answer before you purchase.

Thanks for reading and maybe hear from you soon :)

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

September 2015 Horoscopes

It's eclipse season! See what that means for you with September horoscopes...

21st March – 20th April
Important changes are indicated by the lunar eclipse in your sign on the 28th. Eclipses deepen impact of situations and circumstances, so what happens this month is likely to stay relevant for some time. First week has plenty of fire and sparkle in romance and creativity. Second week, especially around eclipse time on the 13th, is about going with your flow despite changes you can’t control. Then it’s the build-up to the eclipse in your sign when your relationship with just about everything and everyone is under the spotlight. This is the time to insist on interpreting events positively, as there’s power in how you see yourself in situations.

21st April – 21st May
First week there’s a sweet harmony in home and family matters, and a sense of things moving forward in this area of your life in a way they haven’t for some time; indicated by the end of Venus retrograde on the 6th. Two eclipses this month (13th and 28th) suggest either your direction in certain situations is becoming firmly fixed or the next steps are becoming much more obvious. Midmonth eclipse focuses on matters of the heart and your involvement with groups and gatherings; there are new commitments from the 18th, and then it’s all about priorities. Events around eclipse time on the 28th suggest you make yourself number one.

22nd May – 21st June
This month planet Saturn moves into your relationship zone for the next two years. Saturn is about commitment and responsibility, as well as any pressure and stress that comes with that. Mercury is retrograde from the 17th, which can mean a change of mind (or two, or three) from you or others. Also, there are two eclipses (13th and 28th), which are about events having long-term significance and relevance. Midmonth eclipse is about a more concentrated focus on home and family matters, and if you’ve been feeling blocked creatively, or feel you’ve been missing all the fun, then the eclipse on the 28th is about events that bring that more into balance.

22nd June – 22nd July
There are two eclipses this month, 13th and 28th. Eclipse time is always a significant time for you Cancer, because you’re so emotionally tuned to the ebb and flow of the moon cycle. Eclipses focus energy intensely, so you’re doing the same: around midmonth the intensity is toward communication, learning, and travel. Then around the 28th it’s toward long-term aims regarding home and family matters. It’s also about finding the balance in opposites; for example in work versus personal life, or career versus comfort zone, etc. September is also fab for starting long-term health and fitness goals, and for enjoying the fruits of a renewed disciplined and methodical approach to daily routine.

23rd July – 23rd August
Wow, it’s a romantic start to September with a sizzling hot Mars and Venus union in your sign, and Neptune in a dreamy, unbound kind of mood all month. There’s also a really important turning point in key relationships. It has been a summer where you’ve been the heart and soul of so many events and circumstances and things might feel quieter during September, but you need it to properly process what’s happened and, integrate all you’ve learnt.  There are two eclipses (13th and 28th), which tend to be about new cycles of events. The first eclipse concerns finances and the second is communication, education and travel; so notice what’s new or is calling for your positive approach around that time.

24th August – 22nd September
Expect a busy month physically and mentally, and make time to de-stress and unwind. It seems most eventful midmonth, around solar eclipse time in your sign (13th), and 17th/18th, so it’s really important to keep clearing your mind of negative or pessimistic thinking. It’s important all September actually, because there’s so much you can achieve this month. The planets speak of no limits, of potential unbound; so dreams become reality if you’re selective in your mind-set and deliberately choose to keep focusing optimistically. Otherwise the mind fog will set in and you won’t see or sense clearly the beautiful path ahead. And it is as beautiful as you can imagine.

23rd September – 23rd October
Your ruler Venus moves forward from the 6th, for the first time since July. There have been reunions, reconnections and reviewing of relationships in that time, especially in friendships and links to groups or gatherings. You’ve also spent time revisiting certain hopes and dreams. So now it’s all about moving forward with all this. The eclipse on the 13th is about your spiritual side, and how YOU are the light at the end of the tunnel. The sun moving through your sign from the 23rd enlightens and awakens you further to this, ready for an important lunar eclipse on the 28th, where the theme is about keeping a balance without losing what’s important to you.

24th October – 22nd November
Limits lift and priorities shift during September. There are changes of direction, of mind, and of approach in lots of ways, and yet it feels less chaotic and more like a lot of things clicking satisfyingly into place. At the top of the astro happenings list this month are two eclipses (13th and 28th). Eclipses set the tone or trend for weeks or months to come, so September events, particularly around those dates, are likely to reveal long-term significance. First eclipse focuses on friendship, fun, and matters of the heart. Second eclipse has a theme of finding the balance between micro-managing and going with the flow, especially regarding health and fitness, daily schedules and appointments.

23rd November – 21st December
Saturn, the planet that gets more bad press than a Mercury Retrograde, returns to your sign on the 17th for the next two years. Saturn is linked to limitation, restriction, and delay, but it’s also linked to responsibility, being the boss, and all the benefits that come with that. As Saturn is in your sign, the next two years are about being the boss of your own life and reaping the benefits of that, which means taking responsibility, owning your stuff, and not giving away power or control (meaning don’t blame anyone, including you). The eclipses this month (13th and 28th) symbolise important new cycles of experience that support and focus you there.

22nd December – 20th January
Your ruler Saturn moves to a new area of your chart for the next two years (17th). It symbolises firm foundations and building new structures, whether it’s literal, or via a new mind-set or attitude. Unconditional love is a theme, which means never mind what others expect from you (conditional love), and never mind what limits or boundaries are in current conditions, it’s all about feeling good about yourself and your future plans regardless. When practised consistently, this approach opens up your path ahead in seemingly magical ways, dissolving obstacles effortlessly. Practice makes perfect, which is the message of September’s two eclipses (13th and 28th).

21st January – 18th February
Love, relationships and matters of the heart have the potential to put a huge smile on your face this month, especially during the first week, with a fabulous union between Venus and Mars. Relationships, contracts and agreements reach an important turning point, and can move forward in ways they haven’t up to now. There are two big eclipses (13th and 28th) that symbolise new paths and new directions. Eclipse energy can feel uncomfortably intense if you’re going against that new flow, rather than with it, so if events feel like wading through treacle or walking into the wind, it’s time to stop and take stock, and get plugged back into yourself in whatever way works for you.

19th February – 20th March
There are two important eclipses this month (13th and 28th); the first in your relationship chart so your sense of balance, harmony and agreement with others is under the spotlight. It’s also about contracts, settlements or deals, whether new or up for review, and a strong message this month is never ever sign anything while feeling vague or unclear; get clear or wait. The second eclipse also has a theme of balance, but this one focuses on your finances, and shared resources with others. Getting priorities in order while maintaining productive connections with others is what it’s all about. Both eclipses echo themes, so events are likely to blend and overlap and connect too.