Sunday, December 11, 2016

December 2016 Horoscopes

I moved house on the new moon in Sagittarius on Dec 1st (new moon in Sag = new journeys!), hence everything is running late, amidst unpacked boxed :D Better late than never though, here's my horoscopes for December for you :) Last of 2016. Get ready for 2017 ;)

21st March – 20th April
It’s time to take your own advice, especially midmonth during an enlightening, talkative full moon (14th). Your ruler, mighty Mars, moves into the most spiritual angle of your chart from the 19th, which emphasises going within to find your power. Meditation, contemplation, and intuition all serve you well. Logical Mercury retrogrades (appears to move backwards) related to career, status and reputation; so maybe it’s not the right time to end something, or maybe it’s right time to regroup and rethink (maybe both). Relationships are interesting all month, especially final week (25th and 26th) for new expansion. The new moon (29th) is also about career, status and reputation, meaning exciting, unexpected commitments in store.

21st April – 21st May
A sense of belonging is important to you this month, and the midmonth full moon brings up your questions around that, such as where are more like-minded folk that share similar values? There’s a turning point around 19th (Mercury retrograde), which might involve abandoning some plans for just now, but there’s gain, not loss to be found from it. Your steady, practical nature loves security and routine, but there’s also huge value to be had from the unexpected or unpredictable, especially during final week when generous Jupiter meets revolutionary Uranus (around 26th), and the new moon inspires new journeys and perspectives (29th).

22nd May – 21st June
You can’t please everyone, so no point trying. This month (1st, 10th), and especially midmonth when there’s a fulfilling full moon in your sign (14th) follow the approval of your own heart, no matter who has something to say about it. Commitment, contracts and agreements are happening (especially 10th and 19th), and there’s also a temporary change of direction around that time, when your ruler Mercury goes retrograde (moves backward). The new moon (29th) is about new beginnings linked to this, and there’s a mega meeting between Jupiter and Uranus all month (strongest 26th), suggesting doors of opportunity and joy opening unexpectedly and fabulously.

22nd June – 22nd July
Planet Mercury moves into your relationship chart from 2nd, so news and discussion, communication and information, as well as your mindset about your relationships, contracts and agreements will feel important (especially 10th). There’s a talkative and rather spiritual full moon on the 14th that emphasises (and magnifies) all this; then a relationship situation that feels like it’s brewing with intensity might be diffused by a change in direction when Mercury retrogrades (appears to move backwards) after 19th. A new moon on 29th speaks of new beginnings in relationships. A spectacular alignment of Jupiter and Uranus (all month but strongest final week) is about unexpected clarity, opportunity and/or independence, linked to home and career.

23rd July – 23rd August
Harmony planet Venus moves to your relationship chart (7th) so you’re seeking balance and equality, and standing for fairness and justice. Around 10th you’re the boss of fun and entertainment (perfect Leo job!), while creativity and romance mean extra commitment. Full moon (14th) in your house of friendship indicates good times, and events heal trust issues if you’re receptive to that. Mercury retrograde from 19th means avoiding power struggles with a change of direction. You’re also reconnecting with faces and places from the past (especially work related). Final week of December is a bag of goodies, especially 25th and 26th for sweet and stable relationships, and new moon (29th) for exciting expansion and developments, now and in future.

24th August – 22nd September
Venus in your work, health, and problem-solving chart from the 7th means you’re looking to smooth relations with others, and find win/win solutions all month. Your ruler Mercury moves into your fun, creativity and romance chart from the 2nd, which means constructive and productive developments, particularly around 10th, 14th (full moon), from 21st, and around 29th (new moon) for new beginnings. Mercury retrogrades from 19th; the same day that action planet Mars moves into your house of relationships and contracts, suggesting reunions and reconnection, and a rethink or review about relationship direction. Final week of December is about freedom and balance with resources, and maybe there’s unexpected or sudden income and purchase opportunities.

23rd September – 23rd October
Your ruler Venus moves to your house of fun, creativity and romance from the 7th, setting a tone for the month ahead. You’re still practical and grounded, despite your light-hearted mood (or maybe there’s fun in the practicalities) especially around 10th, 14th, and from 19th, with events around new moon time (29th) highlighted as potent symbols of new progress and developments, particularly linked to home and family matters. Mercury retrogrades from 19th, which might mean plans change last minute. It indicates reunions and reconnection too. All month (especially final week) Jupiter and Uranus align in ways that indicate productive, unexpected opportunities, so savour the sweetness. 

24th October – 22nd November
Certain limits linked to income and resources challenge you to stay open and creative, increasing your sense of expertise and authority (especially 10th to full moon on 14th). The extra special Jupiter/Uranus alignment (all month but strongest 25th and 26th) is about sweet harmony found from unusual places, especially communication, which is important all month but particularly around 19th when Mercury retrogrades (appears to move backwards). It indicates events might seem to be going off track or delayed, but don’t jump to conclusions. Presume there’s method to the madness, and what happens around new moon time (29th) and into the first weeks of the new year will make sense of the timing issues.

23rd November – 21st December
This is your time of year. The sun is in your sign until 21st and the positive Jupiter/Uranus alignment (strongest and sweetest 25th/26th) bodes well for your friendships, fun and entertainment, while creative projects benefit from others input. Around the 10th and especially during an informative full moon in your relationship chart (14th), you’re aware of more responsibility on your shoulders, so don’t second guess or self-doubt especially when it comes to home and family matters; stay open to your faith and vision about the future instead. Then what seems like a step backward around 19th turns into two steps forward with the productive and constructive new moon (29th) focused on new beginnings linked to income and resources.

22nd December – 20th January
Planets are gathering in your sign from the 2nd, so getting your message across and your approach to things is more important to you than usual. Mercury (logic and communication) retrogrades from the 19th, indicating a big change of mind and direction, and the sun in your sign from 21st (winter solstice) and new moon on the 29th is about a ‘new you’. The exciting Jupiter/Uranus alignment, which builds all month (strongest 26th), is about sudden or unexpected expansion and opportunities linked to home and career that require a balance of priorities and endless optimism, but it’s like you’ve a guardian angel at your shoulder around 10th, 12th, 14th and 25th, which strengthens both your faith and sense of adventure.

21st January – 18th February
Lots of things are moving at your pace and in comfortable ways this month. Venus in your sign from 7th means feeling good in yourself, along with more harmony and balance with others. Around 10th and especially full moon on 14th friendship requires extra commitment; and income and money is highlighted too, requiring receptivity to receive (in other words, you’re worth it!). Mercury retrogrades (appears to move backwards) from 19th, and you’re fine with the change of mind and direction it brings. From then, you’re half reclusive, half extrovert, which feels like the right balance. Final week the planets align in unusually positive ways, bringing unexpected smiles and surprises. New moon (29th) is about pondering welcome new developments.

19th February – 20th March

The sun energises your house of ambition and status until 21st, meaning you’re feeling empowered about long-term plans and ladders of success, especially career ladders. There could be important meetings or a new sense of authority around 10th, and an optimistic full moon (14th) carries a message to stay receptive to things going your way despite how things appear on the surface. Action-orientated Mars is in your sign from the 19th, so motivation is high. Mercury retrogrades on 19th too, encouraging a change of mind and/or direction. There’s reconnection and reunion with friends, and new moon (29th) is about new friends, groups and gatherings. Final week (25th and 26th) there’s potential for unexpected opportunities linked to income or resources.

Thursday, November 03, 2016

November 2016 Horoscopes

21st March – 20th April
There are many unknowable and uncontrollable factors right now, but making peace with uncertainty means you enjoy the renewal and replenishment in store, especially during the security-conscious Supermoon (14th) spotlighting income and ownership. Or perhaps around 24th when work ambition and relationships are powerfully linked. Your ruling planet, mighty motivated Mars, moves into your friendship and support zone from the 9th, which means you’re more driven to seek out those you feel resonance with; those in harmony with your hopes and dreams, and preferred lifestyle. From the 21st and especially from the uplifting new moon (29th), there’s a focus on anything that opens you to new horizons and new perspectives. 

21st April – 21st May
These are interesting times for you, particularly for much of the month regarding partnerships, contracts and agreements. November opens with doors of opportunity, and midmonth (14th), there’s a spectacular Supermoon in your sign which points to up close and personal fulfilment in areas that matter most. Your ruler, harmony-loving Venus, moves into your travel and education chart from the 12th, which means expanding horizons and faith in your future. Final week (especially 24th/25th) can be a renewing, transformative time for this, so don’t try to control the controllable; instead feel the day-to-day adventure of unknown territory. New moon (29th) repeats this theme, and speaks of new long-term plans and ambition.

22nd May – 21st June
You’re so ready for what November has in store, having already cleared a lot of clutter and therefore made space for new fulfilment. Your planet Mercury moves into your relationship zone from the 12th, followed by the Sun from the 21st, which means the adventure of partnership has increasing importance as the month goes on, and there’s a lot happening in this respect, especially after 21st. Relationships deepen with trust, and final week (especially 24th/25th) there’s opportunity to test that out by taking your attention off what you can’t control, deepening faith in your journey with others (creativity and fun soars at that time too). A new moon on the 29th is also about relationships, meaning you end the month with a new beginning.

22nd June – 22nd July
It’s a positive start to the month, especially when you’re clear about your intentions. Venus (love and money) moves into your relationship zone from the 12th, just before a replenishing and resourceful Supermoon on the 14th, making it much easier to stand your ground about what matters most to you. Having the courage of your convictions is a repeating theme this month (especially 24th/25th), as is the idea of rebirth and renewal in relationships. A new moon on the 29th is about new beginnings in store, especially related to health and fitness. You have plenty of faith, hope and clarity available this month, so use it.

23rd July – 23rd August
There’s lots of emphasis on home and family for much of November, where you’re looking to make long term changes that enhance your feeling of security and wellbeing, There’s an ambitious and aspirational Supermoon on the 14th suggesting things moving on this, as well as in career too. Final week (strong on 24th) is about smoothing the way forward on all this, day to day. From 21st things start revolving around romance, fun, enjoyment, light-heartedness. You’re interested what makes your heart and soul sing; nothing less will do, and the new moon on the 29th is about allowing and having faith in some new, entertaining adventures.

24th August – 22nd September
There’s emphasis on home and family, communication, and creativity this month. Spiritual and soulful Neptune is changing direction on the 20th, which corresponds with slow but sure change in you regarding key relationships, how you relate and want to relate with others; from being caught up in what was, to having faith in what could be and what will be. November is about not ignoring your feelings on certain matters that have been making you feel limited or restricted unnecessarily. Your sign is about clarity and logic, and often you leave emotion out in order to keep things making sense, but now it only makes sense to recognise, value and appreciate how you really feel.

23rd September – 23rd October
For much of the month things are revolving around finance, resources and income. Ownership, value and worth (and self-worth) are important themes, as are security and shared resources (especially around 14th, under the regenerative and revealing Supermoon). From the 21st the emphasis shifts to the importance of communication and dialogue (especially 29th). But there’s also a planet pattern building all month (strongest 24th/25th) involving Jupiter (expansion and luck) and Pluto (trust and transformation). It indicates change; in yourself, and linking to home and family too. The adventure of the unknown is the theme, and when your planet Venus joins Pluto (24th) it suggests it’s all revolving around certain relationships.

24th October – 21st November
November is very much about the ‘new you’ that you feel is happening right now. The sun is in your sign until 21st, so you’re busy recharging, renewing and replenishing. Creativity flows strongly during week one, along with your intuition; then midmonth (14th), there’s a Supermoon; a full moon that puts relationships, contracts and agreements in the spotlight, bringing matters to a head and moving stuck situations forward. Finance is a focus from 21st; especially 23rd (temporary obstacles) and new moon on 29th means new beginnings linked to income. Venus, Jupiter and Pluto are strongly linked during final week so pay no attention to control dramas; instead enjoy the endless evolution and expansion of your life right now.

21st November – 21st December
Your ruling planet, the adventurous Jupiter, is part of November’s most important planet pattern. Jupiter is linking up with powerful Pluto, for a meeting that builds in strength all month (strongest 24th). It indicates huge desire for change and transformation, and huge capability for positive expansion and growth (nice to have both the desire and solution). It’s about tapping reserves and resources you didn’t know you had. It’s about your hopes and dreams, friendships, support network and links with groups, teams, and like-minded folk (especially 25th). Also, the sun moves into your sign from the 21st, which puts you at the centre of things, including the spotlight.

22nd December – 20th January
There might be some good news given or received during first week of November. From the 12th (just in time for a fun-filled Supermoon on 14th) Venus, planet of relationships and resources moves into your sign, which is about emotional and magnetic attraction to what you most value (meaning feel loving to attract love. Feel prosperous to attract prosperity). This gathers strength by the final week when Venus meets power planet Pluto and positive Jupiter (24th/25th), just before a spiritual new moon (29th) about new faith in your inner guidance. It means you’re catching a glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel and being unstoppably productive about ways of moving towards it.

21st January – 18th February
There’s a lot on your shoulders; lots of responsibility and pressure. That’s lovely if it’s all what you want, but Mars moves into your sign from 9th, which means sorting priorities and taking time to take stock about what matters most to you right now. The Supermoon on the 14th is about balancing ambition with comfort zone, and again it’s about what matters most. You might be letting go of certain things by final week, especially around 24th and 25th. Some might not be happy about it, but it’s about your values and priorities not theirs. New moon on 29th indicates you’re dreaming of new adventures, and you’re attracting like-minded folk for the journey.

19th February – 20th March
Lots happening this month; summed up by your planetary ruler Neptune ending retrograde (appearing to move backwards) on the 20th, which means a turning point or change in direction, where you feel things are moving forward again. The past has been important, yet you’re ready to face the future now (and put faith in it), and whatever you’ve felt has been holding you back is likely to shift (particularly during final week, around 24th or 25th). There’s lots of focus on communication this month, especially during the Supermoon (14th), which is also about new horizons, learning and travel. Then from 21st, and especially new moon on 29th, it’s about a new step up on your ladder of success.

Read these horoscopes at The Crack Magazine, online and published for the North-east of England

Sunday, October 30, 2016

New Moon in Scorpio 30th Oct 2016 -

At 5.38pm UK time it's the annual new moon in Scorpio (for the UK and most of Europe, this is the second new moon of October – also known as the ‘black moon’). 

Two weeks ago we had a supercharged full moon in Aries on the 16th, which brought each of us our own unique ‘bolt from the blue’- an unexpected event or situation that rocked our world in positive or negative ways (maybe a bit of both).

And now today there’s the new moon in Scorpio, which is a sign about trusting the process of what comes next. Scorpio is about the power of unknown territory and the relationship we have with it. It’s about hidden strength and hidden depths in ourselves and others… much like the tip of the iceberg, there’s always so much more going on underneath.

So it’s all about what you have to take on trust for now, or get comfortable with the uncertainty of. The dark side of Scorpio (and boy can it get dark), is the flip side of that – seeking power and control OVER what is known or knowable. It can become a very murky area indeed when there’s no trust, and especially no trust in the guidance of the heart and Soul, (which never seeks power and control over anything).

Scorpio season is about letting go of what we can’t control. It's about not trying to control the uncontrollable; instead it's surrendering (not submitting) to our version of God or higher power, which is the natural organising conciousness of the universe. It means relaxing into the idea that we don’t have to do it all ourselves, and that ‘things just have a way of working themselves out’ whether or not we know how right now (unknown territory, remember), and most importantly that we don't have to fight or grasp for that. 

Meaning, remembrance that we are held, heard and known by this power, whether we know it or not. That what we want matters and so is taken into account in the bigger picture. It's a big ask for us to drop our guard and trust this but once we do it and receive results, it gets easier next time. 

The Scorpio season is a very healing season because it’s about letting go of the tight grip of control that the intellectual mind likes to hold over everything. Some things (a lot of things!) are beyond current intellectual understanding, but that doesn't mean they aren't real and valid. This new moon is about the trust it is taking right now to grow and evolve into what's new, and what's waiting for us. 

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Full moon in aries, 16th October 2016

Hello! We are mid-way through beautiful October, and here in the north of England, autumn is starting to show itself. The annual full moon in Aries takes place this year on 16th October @ 05.23am (UK time). The Sun in Libra stands opposite Moon/Uranus in Aries, which certainly is a highly charged, potentially explosive combination (in both positive or negative ways). Moon and Uranus together can make situations feel unstable, disruptive, and emotionally unsettled. But it can also be about emotional breakthroughs, positive change, and independence that gets to the heart of who we are and how we want to relate with others.

Electric attraction is sparking chemistry in relationships like it hasn’t for some time, so sudden or unexpected romance, or love at first sight, is just as likely as sudden 'bolt from the blue' break-ups. 

Sun in Libra has a keen sense of justice and fairness, and impulsive Aries leaps into action without a second thought (without a first thought if intuitive Uranus is added to the mix), to redress the balance.

We also have the very powerful Mercury in Libra square to Mars/Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury (logic and communication), Mars (action and momentum) and Pluto (powerful transformation) can also indicate an explosive combination and huge releases of energy. Mars and Pluto standing together hold huge power, and therefore huge potential for power struggles between people. It’s also an indicator of bottling things up, and any full moon seems to pop the cork on certain situations that have been building up (this one is maybe more likely than others)

Communication needs lots of self-awareness; lots of ‘being the bigger person’. Give benefit of the doubt repeatedly in order to dispel power struggles within yourself about others, and your relationship with others. And to stop the negative judgements from killing your peace and harmony and locking you out of your own heart centre (which is the most bleak place in the universe to be).

Most of us are not in positions of power that we can instantly make decisions that affect huge sways of people, so all we have is our own individual inner peace and harmony that we can control. Luckily it’s all we need. Our own corner of the world is where we can impact and influence... not via manipulation or pressure on others, but via our own self balance. This is what the Aries/Libra axis is all about.

I don’t know about you, but I have been feeling this potent full moon energy building for a few days now. It’s a full on full moon for sure, looking at the planet patterns. Which means it takes some focus and determination to get the best from it, but oh the rewards are great for doing so.

So unless things have been going totally swimmingly in all areas of your life for a while, it’s more than likely that any area not flowing and going 100% how you want it too has become harder to ignore this week… the obstacles, the brick walls, the delays, the wading through treacle, the aches and pains…. it all FEELS more intense during a full moon like this one, making you more restless, more sensitive or touchy and over-reactive.

It’s because full moons work like emotional amplifiers. If you’ve been doing a lot of thinking (focusing) about what you don’t want, and dealing with things you don’t want to deal with in certain areas, the resistance, or the pushing against it all, is MUCH more tangible right now.

BUT the sweet healing power of a full moon is that it’s GUIDANCE – all that emotional amplification means you get to see exactly where you would do well to ‘reset your mindset’ to something more positive, open, life-affirming, YOU-affirming. Something less judgemental, less rigid, less critical. Don’t underestimate the power of your mindset. How you think and feel regularly about things, is how things turn out, everytime. A little bit of open-heartedness and open-mindedness goes an awful long way during this full moon period, opening doors for miracles and marvels to manifest.

Happy full moon in Aries! 

Sunday, October 02, 2016

October 2016 Horoscopes

Hello everyone :)  here are my horoscopes for this beautiful month of October for you. Please note that timezone might make a difference to when some of the planet alignments take place. For example the UK has the new moon on the 1st Oct, which took place on 30th Sep for a lot of people (and was called the dark moon). Here in the UK and for a lot of Europe, our dark moon happens on 30th October... just in time for Halloween! Happy Autumn to you. 

21st March – 20th April
Jupiter, planet of good luck and expansion unites with the new moon on the 1st, bringing new beginnings and expansion in relationships, especially romance, business and/or legal. Jupiter’s promise is that harmony and justice will prevail despite any challenge, and yes there are some challenges, especially around 7th, and midmonth when the full moon is in your sign (16th). It’s then that you’re restless for revolution and a head start on making changes (keep a balance in what you take on so you avoid the strain of overreaching). Finally, a rare second new moon on the 30th is about important new beginnings that require feeling ok with uncertainty or the unknown.

21st April – 21st May
A new moon of abundance on the 1st indicates opportunity and positivity linked to health and fitness, as well as more efficiency and solutions for daily schedule and work environment. This month brings challenge (especially 7th, 16th, 19th, 25th, 29th) but just watch how things still get moving in positive ways despite things being unsettled or coming to a head (especially around 16th). From the 23rd the sun and Mercury move into your relationship zone, which energises partnership and communication. A new moon here on the 30th suggests important new beginnings now or near future

22nd May – 21st June
An amazing, abundant new moon on the 1st is about enjoying new beginnings and in the realm of creativity, fun and entertainment. Creative projects can take off, while romance and matters of the heart find balance and harmony. But keep your eye on the ball as there’s plenty of challenges that might distract you into lowering your mood, especially around 7th and midmonth. It’s all about perspective though; these challenges bring out the best in you so why bother wishing they weren’t there. A rare second new moon on the 30th is about new, positive plans for the future, a more streamlined work/daily environment, and renewal and regeneration for health and fitness.

22nd June – 22nd July
This month there are two new moons (indicating new beginnings), and a midmonth full moon (16th) about a sudden change in priorities born from the urge to stay true to yourself, which means who you are now, not who you once were. (Smashing out of comfort zones can be uncomfortable until you acclimatise though). New moon on the 1st focuses on home and family, and the sense of abundance and buoyancy in this area of your life that you want more of. New moon on 30th focuses on more creativity, romance, fun and enjoyment. It’s about letting go and trusting the process, and the sense of renewal and replenishment that arises from it all.

23rd July – 23rd August
For much of the month the emphasis is on more communication, information, and education, starting with a new moon on the 1st all about new beginnings involving balance, harmony, justice and fairness. Doors of opportunity are opening, now and in future, linked to all this. Travel is also highlighted, especially midmonth, when your restlessness and itchy feet get you thinking about expanding horizons, and pastures new. There are downs as well as ups this month (as ever), but there’s an underlying positivity that won’t be broken After the 23rd, and especially around the rare second new moon on 30th, home and family matters are your focus. New beginnings are in store here too.

24th August – 22nd September
There’s a very positive new moon on the 1st in your house of finance and resources. New moons are about new beginnings, and this one has a theme of expansion, opportunity, and faith in the future. There are some challenging planet patterns this month (especially midmonth), so the message is to only move forward when feeling faith in your future, as taking action from anxiety or pessimism can lead to over-reaching or straining yourself, and your resources. From the 23rd and especially during the second new moon of the month around the 30th, it’s all about new depth and intimacy via communication and information. There might be something new about the neighbourhood too.

23rd September – 23rd October
On the 1st there’s an outstanding new moon in your sign, which is a powerful promise of new beginnings and opportunities. Abundant Jupiter unites with this new moon, suggesting you feel more confident, and happy to relax into the idea that universe wants to give you what you want. It’s not even the easiest of months astrologically; some situations can be hard work (especially 7th, 18th, 25th), most need a cool head and the patience of a saint (especially the relationship-themed full moon on 16th), yet you take it all in your stride. After 23rd you’re focused on finances; the rare second new moon on the 30th indicates new beginnings linked to income and resources.

24th October – 22nd November
Before the sun moves into your sign from the 23rd, more sleep, meditation, relaxation or just daydreaming serves you well as it rebalances and harmonises your relationship with yourself. Once you’re in tune with yourself, disharmony with others is easier to cope with and sort out (or let be). Midmonth, and especially around a super-charged electric full moon on the 16th, emotions can run high (or deep) and situations can change with lightning speed, so the more at one with yourself you can be, the more positive things can turn out. Then a beautiful new moon in your sign on the 30th indicates inspired new beginnings are in store.

23rd November – 21st December
New beginnings and new relationships with groups, gatherings and friends is the message of a particularly uplifting new moon on the 1st. It says social circles and networks are expanding, so expect plenty of entertaining and good-feeling times; more so after Venus moves into your sign from the 18th. It’s not all plain sailing this month though, so work extra hard to keep your inner balance around 7th, 16th, 18th and 25th, as situations can get fraught and tense through no fault of your own. Respond rather than react, and don’t get your guard up or you miss the benefits coming from a very spiritual new moon on the 30th, which speaks strongly of healing, regeneration and renewal.

22nd December – 20th January
An upbeat and confident new moon on the 1st is about new plans and ambition, especially linking to career and status or reputation, but including anything that is looks a long-term commitment. You can be totally disciplined when you want, but that needs balance too, as all work and no play isn’t going to fulfil you long-term. Midmonth (especially full moon time on 16th) might bring career/home imbalance to a head in order to sort it. Around 7th and 19th might be intensely transforming too; it’s a time to trust the process and the bigger picture. From the 23rd and especially around new moon on 30th, there are new beginnings linked to groups, gatherings, friends, hopes and dreams.

21st January – 18th February
New beginnings linked to travel and education are highlighted by a magnificent new moon on the 1st, focusing you like never before on the joy of the journey to new harmony and faith in yourself. Disharmony is also a feature of October planet patterns though, so your ability to stay feeling good in yourself despite outer circumstances will not only help you, it also helps dissipates tension around you. Midmonth is the most intense in for this, especially during an unusually revolutionary full moon that brings sudden or unexpected movement in situations. The urge to update, renew, and regenerate long-term plans gains momentum from 23rd, with new opportunities and beginnings emerging from the new moon on 30th.

19th February – 20th March
There’s a very positive and uplifting new moon (indicating new beginnings) on the 1st, which impacts any situation requiring trust and faith in the unknown. It’s like you’re developing a new relationship with uncertainty, so being in the dark about things doesn’t intimidate or control you emotionally like it used to. It might take time for you to fully notice this happening; perhaps it’s by making your way through October’s challenges (most likely around 7th, 16th, 18th and 25th), and noticing you don’t react in the same way you once did. From the 23rd (and especially 30th), your faith in the bigger picture continues to grow, which feeds both your imagination and your desire to expand old horizons.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Virgo Solar Eclipse September 1st & Pisces Lunar Eclipse September 16th, 2016

This month (September 2016) there are two eclipses… a solar one (at the time of the new moon) in the sign of Virgo on the 1st. And a lunar (at the time of the full moon) in the sign of Pisces on the 16th.
Both indicate key stages in the lunar cycle – solar eclipses tend to indicate new phases or new beginnings, and lunar eclipses often indicate closure or letting go. Especially emotional closure. The Moon is about emotions and feelings, and so they are coming to the forefront this month, to be acknowledged, processed and integrated.

In astrology eclipses are about major turning points, where certain situations have been building up momentum through events for quite some time, for good or ill, and the events at eclipse times are release points, or trigger points for long-term change. You can look back with hindsight at an eclipse period and see how events around that time were movers and shapers of future direction.

September 1st Eclipse = Preparation is Key
During the September 1st eclipse, the planets suggest there has been pressure to act in a certain way, or to act on certain things, but the timing might not be quite right to take action, even if you want to. Withholding or holding fire doesn’t mean failure to launch, it is more about good preparation. The time for action might be more mid-month or beyond, when Mars aligns with the lunar eclipse.

Saturn square Neptune
This planet alignment has been one of the key themes of the year, and it figures highly in the eclipses, especially the solar eclipse on the 1st. This alignment has brought our fears to life in some respects, only for us to find out that our fears hold no power over us in reality.
It’s also about being very careful what we believe in or buy into, as what seems real often turns out to be just a façade. It’s been a year of remembering not to judge books by covers.

Mercury Retrograde
This retrograde period started near to the solar eclipse on 30th August, and will continue for most of the month, ending on the day of the Autumn equinox, 22nd September.
Although Mercury retrogrades three times a year, this one is a strong retrograde because:
-          Mercury is in Virgo, the sign which it rules.
-          North node is in Virgo, which is an indicator of opportunities or open doors that feel ‘fated’ or like ‘destiny’ to walk through. Mercury is therefore planet associated with this north node, which means it’s the planet to watch for the way these opportunities will manifest (Mercury is about communication, logic, pathways, transport, siblings and sibling relationships, and neighbours). As Mercury is Retrograde it means the concept of retrograde is also how those opportunities manifest. Retrograde means reconnection or returning to the past in some way… looking to the past, looking in a different direction, etc etc. 
-          Mercury meets Jupiter at eclipse time. Jupiter is the planet of good luck, good fortune, faith and expansion. Jupiter uplifts what it touches, which gives this Mercury retrograde period a touch of miracle mindedness; a sparkle of extra confidence and self belief. 

Lunar Eclipse = Ready to Receive
When the moon stands opposite the Virgo sun, from the sign of Pisces on the 16th, it also stands next to the asteroid Chiron. This asteroid is about healing, and specifically about being receptive to healing. Being open and accepting of solutions can be a challenge when the problem or symptom is dominant… it takes imagination to look past what looms large in our life, and be open to answers and opportunities. It also means accepting we are deserving of being given to in this way.

Ask and it is given is the mantra of the universe according to Law of Attraction, but the universe can only give by us being open to receive. The lunar eclipse on the 16th suggests events that highlight this idea of being receptive and open to solutions and problems. The time might be right for action too, according to Mars...

Thursday, August 04, 2016

August 2016 Horoscopes

21st March – 20th April
There’s a genuinely sparkling new moon in your house of creativity, fun and entertainment on the 2nd, which means new beginnings, new ideas, and new doors opening in this area of your life. The planets suggest you are connecting easily to helpful or influential teachers or mentors (especially after 13th), and/or travel or distance might be involved; perhaps with a connection to early March or late May too. Notice what happens around the 24th, give or take a few days, related to all this. Yes, there are challenges during August: mid-month (work) and end of month (relationships) in particular; but the message is keep the faith to keep things in perspective.

21st April – 21st May
A new moon on the 2nd indicates new beginnings, make-overs, or redevelopment, related to home and family. There’s positive momentum towards plans, though try not to push or pressure things into place (especially mid-month and around full moon time on 18th) as it can work against you. If things seem slow unfold it’s a case of trust the timing. Your planet Venus is in meticulous mood all month, so it’s all about the details and definition for you, especially in creativity or matters of the heart. Precision and efficiency inspires your creative flow, especially during final week of August when there’s positive expansion and an enormous sense of good luck if you balance cold logic with irrational intuition.

22nd May – 21st June
New moon on the 2nd is about information and communication that solidifies and stabilises partnerships, contracts and agreements. It’s also about giving and receiving recognition and acknowledgment, so express appreciation where it’s due and watch how your positive state of attention magnetises more of the same to you in return. You have to work harder to keep things in perspective mid-month and end of month (14th, 19th, 25th), or facts and figures lead to losing the magic in plans and ambition, so get still and quiet to find a balance. There’s also an impressive planet pattern from the 22nd (especially 27th) just as your planet Mercury retrogrades (moves backwards), suggesting a positive change of mind or direction for you.

22nd June – 22nd July
A new moon on the 2nd in your income and ownership chart indicates new beginnings and new focus that brings more responsibility and long-term commitments your way. Noticeable developments in this are likely by full moon time on the 18th, but especially around the 24th when your daily schedules or work environment reflects unknown territory and new forms of activity. You might see a connection to events back in mid-April related to all this too. Mid-month and end of month might bring communication challenges or conflict, so be the change you want to see (14th, 15th, 25th). Romance and relationships are about partners and loved ones showing support and presence (1st, 11th, 16th, 18th, 24th, 27th).

23rd July – 23rd August
This is your time of year, with the sun lighting up your sign till the 22nd, which means the world seems more on your wavelength and it’s easier to go with your flow. The annual new moon in your sign (2nd) always indicates important new beginnings and new ways of seeing and experiencing yourself in the world, and this year it’s about strong and stable new responsibilities, especially related to creative projects and matters of the heart, that activate your sense of adventure (especially 7th, 19th, 24th). The full moon on the 18th is in your relationship zone. Again this is an annual astro event for you and it indicates new cycles or phases in all relationships.

24th August – 22nd September
Jupiter (faith and direction), and Mercury (communication and logic) are already in your sign this month, and are joined by Venus (relationships and resources) from the 5th, and the sun (creative focus and energy) from the 22nd. It means a busy month of sorting your head and heart out (and others!) on various matters (especially 6th, 14th, 19th, 25th), with opportunities to shine (11th, 15th, 18th, 22nd, 27th, 29th). During final week your ruler Mercury slows pace (indicates you might too), ready to retrograde on 30th, which means a time of turning within or reflection. As Venus and Jupiter are so close to Mercury it shows rare and important changes of mind or direction in communication, faith and relationships, and events will reflect this.

23rd September – 23rd October
A strong and stable new moon on the 2nd in your friendship chart indicates new beginnings and new support for the future. All month you’re balancing the desire to go with the flow of certain situations, while also wanting to fix and change things, and you’re putting too much pressure on yourself to get the balance right at times (noticeable around 6th, 14th, 18th, 25th). Soften your approach to yourself and watch the tension (and demands and expectations) ease up. Romance is renewed and rekindled up to mid-month and around full moon on 18th. Final week is also about love and harmony, as well as important communication and information (possibly related to the past or past perspectives).

24th October – 22nd November
After weeks of situations that were at a go slow or stalemate, and feeling you’ve less energy than usual, it’s all change this month, starting with Mars stirring up situations involving income and ownership, and a revitalising new moon (new beginnings) in your status and ambition chart on the 2nd. This bodes well for long-term plans, especially career progress, and there might be noteworthy events in this around full moon time on the 18th. Challenges for August might involve the balance between creative vision and creative expression, or the gap between what you want to do and what you are able to do right now. Partners and/or friends are in on this somehow too (7th, 14th, 25th, 27th). 

23rd November – 21st December
Mars, planet of drive, impetus, and action is back in your sign from the 1st, which means you’re feeling more motivated and focused than you have in a long time (early March and late May perhaps?). New moon on the 2nd is about a new mind-set, and maybe travel or education is the catalyst. There are certain challenges involving balancing home-life and work-life, or personal and public life, which puts pressure or extra responsibility on you (especially mid-month and final week). But you also have a way of getting the best out of these challenges, especially 18th, 22nd, and 27th. Finally, romance is in the air this month, especially 7th and 22nd.

22nd December – 20th January
There’s an outstanding new moon on the 2nd which harmonises beautifully with your planet Saturn. New moon means new beginnings, and in this case it’s focusing on healing and transformation. Sometimes it’s been easy to lose sight of what matters to you, or lose yourself in challenges or dramas (and there are some this month; perhaps around midmonth and final week), but this new moon is suggesting that events can bring you back to yourself in very positive ways. The corresponding full moon on the 18th represents fulfilment and openness in situations involving income, business and purchases in particular, but also in relationships. Love and romance is highlighted then too, and also 7th, 15th, 22nd, 27th.

21st January – 18th February
There’s a beautiful full moon in your sign on the 18th, representing emotional completion and fulfilment in certain situations. You, key partnerships, communication, news and information are all involved. Relationships are also a priority before 18th, as are contracts and agreements; and a new moon on the 2nd indicates new beginnings for you there. Also, all month but especially midmonth and final week, there might be tension involving friends or groups. For example, it’s easy not to notice your own value yet deep down expect others to; or to feel obliged to offer support when you really want it for yourself. It’s all about finding a balance that suits you, by softening the inner tension as it arises.

19th February – 20th March
You might feel pulled in different directions this month, especially midmonth and final week. The planets are lining up in ways that suggest you have a variety of things to focus on that are equally important to you. You also have a variety of ways to look at the same situation, all equally valid. So it’s about finding a balance; a way of navigating competing demands on your time and attention without wearing yourself out. This is most challenging around 6th, 14th, 19th and 25th, and most successful 2nd, 15th, 22nd and 27th. There might be interesting work news around 24th, and romance is sweet 7th, 18th, 22nd and 27th.

See these horoscopes along with everything that is happening in the Northeast of England this month at The Crack Magazine

Monday, July 04, 2016

July 2016 Horoscopes

21st March – 20th April
Your planet, the mighty Mars, is slowly moving forward again after being in reverse since mid-April. However, Mars doesn’t build any real momentum for a few weeks, so there might be slow moving situations. Speed isn’t the indicator of success though; so just keep going to get there. First week you’re craving comfort and a sense of belonging. Midmonth (especially 16th/17th) there’s positive energy pouring into home and family situations that stirs and even shakes you into action. Doing things by the book might feel irritating (especially full moon on the 19th), but from the 12th and especially from the 22nd, it’s about the fun and feel good factor of creative projects.

21st April – 21st May
You are someone who is ok with things taking time, as you understand that everything has a natural process of growth and development, and this month is about small signs of progress that gives big cause for faith and optimism for what’s in store. Communication and information is positively highlighted for much of July, particularly 4th (when it’s all about what’s new), also 11th 17th, 18th, 27th. There are healing vibes for friendships, lovers, and business partnerships too; and contracts and agreements might be signed at last, and unfinished business (maybe linked to mid-February) resolved. From the 20th your focus shifts to family connections and the joy of home comforts.

22nd May – 21st June
Mars (drive, motivation, passion) is moving forward at last this month, suggesting a turnaround in your day to day life, your health, your fitness and your employment. There might also be links to mid-February in some situations too (unfinished business finished at last?). Meanwhile there’s really fabulous fulfilment and new beginnings around resources and income (first week, particularly 4th, and strongly around 17th and 19th). From the 14th your planet Mercury moves into your house of communication, which energizes and activates messaging and information exchange. Love and romance is sweetest 6th, 17th and 27th; then Mercury turns towards family matters and home comforts from 30th.

22nd June – 22nd July
The sun in your sign till the 22nd is about increase in energy and creativity, as well as the confidence to shine your light brightly. There’s a beautiful new moon in your sign on the 4th, which indicates potential for new beginnings all month (especially first week and 11th, 17th, 18th, 19th); as long as you don’t let reality squelch your dreams before the seeds have taken root. Nurture and feed your faith in what’s in store to grow, rather than listen to others who can’t grasp your vision. Full moon on the 19th focuses on all relationships, whether business or personal, ending stalemates and shifting stuck emotions.

23rd July – 23rd August
Most of July (especially 4th, 5th, 17th and 18th) is about the positive momentum in events that you can find and flow with (it’s always a choice). It’s also about turning within to yourself; whether by meditation, contemplation, or even just more sleeping and dreaming, which serves to put you in touch with inspiration, drive, and passion that has been brewing for ages (perhaps connects to mid-February or mid-April?). Some doors are still not ready to open (it’s all about timing), but some certainly are. Venus (relationships), Mercury (communication) and the Sun (creativity and attention) move into your sign from midmonth (12th, 14th and 22nd), which is about being yourself and enjoying yourself, more than ever.

24th August – 22nd September
Happy times ahead linked to friendships, groups and gatherings. New moon on the 4th is about new beginnings here, and it’s also about a new sense of purpose with an awareness of your kindred spirits (especially around 6th and 17th). You also a have a new understanding or mind-set that transforms certain situations this month. It’s not that situations change first, it’s you that changes and the situations mould to accommodate, which makes things feel a perfect fit for you. Communication and information exchange is moving forward nicely (if slowly), for the first time since mid-April (mid-February matters for some reason too).

23rd September – 23rd October
New moon on the 4th speaks of the birth and nurturing of long-term plans and ambition all month; especially connected to career, but also anything you’ve been aiming for, or have decided to aim for. Your relationship planet is Mars, which is now moving forward nicely and building momentum for the first time since mid-April, means your relationships are too (events around mid-February might be relevant here), especially 6th (fabulous for romance), 12th, and 17th. As the month continues your attention is drawn to friendship, groups and your support network. Information, meetings and moving more into the spotlight are all on the cards (especially around 17th and 27th)

24th October – 22nd November
This is a month for a new direction, a new you. You’ve felt this way for a long time now (mid-February and mid-April might be connected), yet circumstances didn’t allow you to move forward on it. But now there’s more action in the right direction, symbolised by a supportive new moon on the 4th that speaks of a new sense of belonging and new space to grow. Education and travel are big for you this month too, and creative projects are energised and enlivened (especially 4th, 6th, 17th). From the 12th and especially 22nd there’s more focus on ambition, status and reputation, and you’re ready for more of the spotlight for so many reasons.

23rd November – 21st December
In some respects, events during July represent a transition phase or a stepping stone. There are doors opening and opportunities presenting themselves, but in order to fully embrace them and feel you belong, there’s a temporary period of having a foot in both worlds. There’s awareness of why you want to move on and what you’re moving away from, and there’s also faith in the unknown required. It’s all an emotional process of acceptance and the planets are incredibly supportive of all this during July. It means there are some very happy and fulfilling moments where things click into place perfectly this month. But there’s also much more to come beyond that.

22nd December – 20th January
Power struggles (perhaps around 1st and 7th) come from pushing against what you don’t want. One answer is to focus on what you do want and trust that what you don’t want doesn’t need your attention (It really doesn’t). July is a very relationship-orientated month with partnerships, contracts and agreements all a priority. New moon on the 4th is about new beginnings and new harmony in love, romance, business and finances (also 6th, 8th, 11th and 17th). The full moon in your sign on the 19th is about the fulfilment and satisfaction for you from more commitment and responsibility, and from the 22nd it’s about deepening trust and making peace unknown territory.

21st January – 18th February
The new moon message on the 4th is that you’re full of inspiration and new ideas and it’s up to you to do something about it. You’re ready to do that (especially around 7th, 11th, 16th, 17th, and 27th) as you’re looking for something to commit to, and because Mars in your aims and ambition chart means more action and activity than ever around goals and plans (events around mid-February and mid-April seem connected to this). July is also about relationships, contracts, and agreements. Venus and Mercury move into this area of your chart on 12th and 14th; followed by sun on the 22nd, which suggests warmth and harmony in communication and a sunny outlook in general.

19th February – 20th March
New moon on the 4th speaks of success in launching new creative projects and turning hobbies or interests into something more. There’s a message to be flexible, as there might be a few things going on at once, and it takes your sense of humour to keep all the plates spinning (especially around 7th).  It’s also a month for more commitment in romance or dating; or more fun and light-heartedness for long-term relationships (especially 6th, 17th and 19th). In general, there’s a good easy flow to July, and certain situations feel particularly pleasing in the way they work out. From midmonth and especially from 22nd there’s positive focus on health and fitness (especially 17th).

see these horoscopes along with everything that is happening in the Northeast of England this month at  The Crack Magazine

Saturday, June 04, 2016

June 2016 Horoscopes

21st March – 20th April
Your ruler Mars has been retrograde (appearing to move backwards) since mid-April, meaning it’s been a time of readjustment and/or redirection in order to continue doing what matters most to you. Mars is moving forward again at the end of the month (30th), so June is about being on the way to an important turning point or change in direction. And on the way some situations will press your buttons or become a sore point (perhaps related to events late February?); if so, it’s a message to accept what you want can be a reality (if you don’t accept it, why should anyone else?). Noteworthy dates in all this are 5th, 9th, 12th, 15th and from 18th.

21st April – 21st May
There’s heavy focus on money, security, values and self-worth all month, especially new moon time on the 5th which is about important new beginnings on these themes. Certain situations seem fixed and inescapable during June, so it’s up to you to provide the flexibility. In other words, be the tree that bends not breaks in the wind. Appearances can be deceptive too, so don’t take anything or anyone at face value (easiest around 26th). From the 17th discussion and learning becomes increasingly important when Venus moves into your house of communication. You want to inform and be informed, and you’re in the mood to seek harmony, even when full moon solstice tension peaks (20th).

22nd May – 21st June
It’s your time of year. The new moon in your sign on the 5th suggests it’s a particularly powerful time for new beginnings and for building strong foundations in key areas of your life, and the sun in your sign until the 20th, is always about events that encourage your creative spirit to shine and be seen. The planets suggest this is not the easiest of months though, as they show sticking points and limits reached (2nd, 18th, 20th, 22nd); yet this only helps you focus more sharply and more clearly towards what you want. So bless the fog and frustrations for the sweet clarity you find as a result.

22nd June – 22nd July
For much of the month certain things appear beyond your direct control that you just have to go with the flow of and have faith in the bigger picture about. The new moon on the 5th speaks strongly of this, with the message that new beginnings are inevitable, especially involving communication and information. From the 17th love and harmony planet Venus moves into your sign, and on the 20th there’s an uplifting, adventure-seeking full moon on the day the sun moves into your sign (summer solstice). It all suggests that some situations are reaching a peak or coming to a head, and more choice and control is on the way.

23rd July – 23rd August
Basically the message of the month is that you know what to do for progress and development and so do it. Everyone around you has an opinion or new information about it that they are ready to share with you (especially around new moon time on the 5th). But at some point it’s time to let go of discussion and start valuing your own wisdom about it all. The seasonal marker of summer solstice along with an adventurous full moon on the 20th is about winds of change that gets things moving. Mars ends retrograde motion and moves forward from the 30th, which means momentum is building in the right direction.

24th August – 22nd September
It’s a peak or pivotal month in long term plans and ambition, especially regarding career, status and reputation, but also connecting to home, relationships and contracts or agreements. New moon on the 5th is about new beginnings in all this, while full moon on the 20th is about things coming to a head, or moving into fulfilment. Certain events do seem inevitable and unavoidable this month, but Saturn and Neptune join forces to dissolve pressure and limits (especially time limits). Communication can make you sensitive, and touch sore points or press buttons (maybe connects to mid-late February?), but there’s healing if you’re open and receptive to solutions (meaning decide you deserve to receive them).

23rd September – 23rd October
This is the kind of month where you can reap the rewards of previous hard work (also known as good preparation).  Things are coming into alignment, or clicking into place at this time that couldn’t have happened before now, so there might be a feeling of fate or destiny that comes with some events (maybe noticeable around 2nd, 5th, 12th, 27th and 30th). You’re expanding horizons through travel or learning for much of the month, and integrating new ways of seeing and thinking about your world. From the 17th and especially after the 20th, you’re ready to focus on long-term plans and ambitions, especially career plans. Success has a way of making you want to look forward.

24th October – 22nd November
It’s a month of turnarounds and turning points, although it might be next month before you see the full effect of it all and feel momentum building in a really strong and tangible way. Mars is one of your planets, meaning it indicates significant happenings for you, and Mars has been retrograde (appearing to move backwards) since mid-April. It has been a period where action and activity has been about going over old ground, perhaps at a slower pace, or different direction. This will change from the 30th, but before that there’s some old wounds to heal (with links to events in February?), and some compassion to give yourself, and others.

23rd November – 21st December
It’s a relationship-themed month, whether it’s romance, family, work or business related. And for a freedom loving being like yourself, some events are challenging to experience as they seem too fixed, unchangeable or rigid (even stuck fast). The challenge can bring reward though, as less movement means more stability and focus, and therefore more clarity when you need inspiration and ideas the most (especially around 5th, 13th, 18th, 22nd). There’s a full moon in your sign on the 20th, full of rainbows and promises, and it’s up to you to keep the faith about it all. Message for the month is don’t forget to breathe (tension can do that), and find some fresh air to feel freedom.

22nd December – 20th January
There’s lots that feels out of your control this month, and plenty of demands, yet the chaos you expect to happen doesn’t. Possibly because there’s not that much flexibility about how things can go, which provides order and direction. Your ruler, sensible Saturn, meets nebulous Neptune again this month (last time was last November). It points to more challenges around communication, sibling relationships, and/or your neighbours and local area, but the positives are easy ice-breakers, blank slates, and bad habits dissolved. It’s a good time for a stock take of your life, as you aren’t attached to what needs to go, compassionate towards your mistakes, and have a weakness for celebrating your success.

21st January – 18th February
This month there’s enough synchronicity and serendipity in situations to challenge the idea that events are random or coincidental; meaning you will miss out on so much if you reject the idea that there’s a touch of magic in the air for you just because you can’t explain it or don’t understand how. The times you feel ‘in the zone’ matters right now. When all the traffic lights turn green as you approach and the checkout queues work in your favour; it’s real and measurable, and the more you notice it the more it happens. It’s the universe reminding you that there’s purpose to your path, so experiment and enjoy.

19th February – 20th March
Your planet is Neptune, and this month Neptune is at the heart of the astrology pattern; meaning you get to the heart of what matters to you despite any obstacles or limits. New moon in Gemini on the 5th is about new beginnings linked to home and family, and whatever makes you feel safe and emotionally settled. Neptune connects with practical, sensible Saturn (18th), which suggests you’re wanting everything to feel completely planned out and feasible right now which isn’t easy, or necessary, as it’s only the next obvious step that needs to be workable at any time; so rest of month (especially from 20th) is about letting go of your doubts about what’s possible.

Thursday, May 05, 2016

May 2016 Horoscopes

Hello! Here are my horoscopes for you for this month. Just a reminder that I do offer astrology and tarot readings, you can book from my website  (you can also message me to tailor a reading just for you). Happy May to you all :) 

21st March – 20th April
Work and career are in the spotlight this month, in very constructive ways. There’s a flow to find, a groove to settle into; where things transform and unfold around you with the greatest of ease. From around 6th to 15th is especially strong for this. Action-orientated Mars is your planet, and it’s still retrograde (appearing to move backwards) this month. There are huge positives to this, including returning or reconnecting with old places, projects or faces from the past; also turning points or changes in direction that expand and broaden your experience. Notice events around full moon time on the 21st for this, as Mars is igniting and inspiring action and movement in powerful ways.

21st April – 21st May
No messing around this month, Taurus. Get your head down and get stuck into projects, creative work, travel and learning. It’s a wonderful month for you, symbolised by the fresh, earthy and practical new moon in your sign on the 6th. It means new beginnings, and a renewed sense of purpose and confidence (especially from 9th), along with the feeling that certain things are just meant to be. It’s not all straightforward however, and at times you feel pulled in different directions, but when you remember your sense of security is so sound, then all the activity can enliven and inspire you, rather than deplete or deprive you.

22nd May – 21st June
A sense of divine destiny and purpose pervade the month. It’s as if a complex weaving of threads from past, present and future are finally pulling together and converging into a pattern you recognise, value, and want more of. Don’t get in your own way with doubts, go with the flow (especially from around the 6th to the 15th), and notice how the universe always gets the timing spot on, with miracles of synchronicity playing into the most mundane down to earth details. A remarkable relationship-themed full moon on the 21st is a focal point for all this, just as the sun moves into your sign for the next few weeks.
22nd June – 22nd July
The new moon on the 6th indicates new beginnings linked to key relationships, friendships, groups and gatherings. It’s busy in this area of your life all month (especially from 6th to 15th), and there’s important communication and information (8th, 14th and 23rd). This new moon also links to hopes and dreams for the future, and as the planets are in exactly the right mood for making wishes come true (especially 6th, 9th, 14th, 21st) make sure you stay in the right mood to receive. Not always easy as there are challenges, including sticking points and stalemates (especially around 26th) but it’s worth the effort of keeping your heart and mind open and ready for a miracle.

23rd July – 23rd August
First half of May you’re in practical mode; work, finances, career or long-term plans have your attention. New moon on the 6th is about new beginnings relative to all this, which might mean revisiting some goals or projects from the past but it’s still a new beginning as it’s about who you are now, not then. Delays, blocks, or feeling blocked creatively are all indicated by planet patterns for this month but it’s not a sign to give up, just work with it not against it. Busy activity around full moon time on the 21st might move some stuck situations, or provide some welcome distractions until things are ready to move. 

24th August – 22nd September
May is a month for experiencing a change of direction in your approach to certain situations (noticeable from 9th and 23rd); towards renewed faith in yourself and towards looking forward and moving forward instead of looking to the past or re-treading old, familiar ways as you have been recently. May is also about expanding horizons through travel, or education and learning; particularly if you’re returning to it in some way, perhaps rediscovering a subject, renewing a project, or revisiting a favourite destination (6th, 8th, 14th, 22nd link to this). Sometimes, especially by final week (26th), there are sticking points or stalemates that can make you second guess earlier progress, yet progress continues.

23rd September – 23rd October
It’s a month of change and transformation, and it’s likely involving something you’ve been waiting a while for. There’s support and assistance available when you need it, especially at the beginning of May, and it’s useful and practical help, that leads to doors opening and to great new opportunities (notice events around 8th, 9th, 14th and 21st for this). It’s the sort of month where end up with the new job, get the promotion, or get the business opportunity, even though it’s also the kind of month where you might feel you’re driving with the brakes on at times. Just shows that things don’t have to be perfect in order to work out well.

24th October – 22nd November
There are a few planets retrograde (appearing to move backwards) this month, including both your ruling planets (Mars and Pluto). It means changes of direction and unfinished business; perhaps the past is more prominent in your mind, or a message or convo needs repeating. Whatever it is, there’s also a fabulous new harmony in relationships to tap into (especially from 6th to 16th). This is love and romance but also friendship or business, as our soulmates appear in many forms. It’s a productive month; boxes are ticked, and long lists too, so hold your nerve through any limitation or restriction as it’s worth the hassle.

23rd November – 21st December
You might not always feel the most confident you’ve ever felt this month (especially final week), yet the planets clearly suggest this is a time when some long-term plans and ambitions are moving forward whether you’re ready or not (especially related to work). There’s a wonderfully supportive and harmonious vibe around all of May, so the message is don’t wait for perfection there’s no time like the present. It’s a down to earth kind of month; it’s practical and industrious, yet serendipity sparkles brightly enough to make you wonder why you ever doubted yourself or circumstances in the first place (especially 6th, 9th, 14th, 21st and 22nd).

22nd December – 20th January
It’s an amazing month of change and transformation for you, indicated by a new moon on the 6th of rebirth, renewal and refreshment; particularly linking to creativity, entertainment and matters of the heart. The planets speak of stability and continuity despite some quite significant changes of mind and direction throughout May, so relax and be receptive to the natural cycle of events, allowing yourself to trust the bigger picture and your place within it. The 8th, 9th and 14th are more stand out days for this. Also, all month, and especially from 22nd, there are links to March or last August, and what feels like a test of faith likely brings golden opportunity.

21st January – 18th February
There’s loads of activity around home and family for much of the month, starting with a new moon on the 6th that speaks of new beginnings, reconnections, renewals and updates that are ongoing all May, but especially around 8th, 9th, and 14th. There are important turning points and some changes of direction too from the 9th, especially the adventurous full moon time from the 21st. This full moon focuses on movement and momentum involving friendships, gatherings, group support and teamwork. There are certain limits or restrictions that might challenge you (especially during final week) but expansion and progress is the shape of things to come.

19th February – 20th March
For much of May, especially up to midmonth, there’s lots of focus on new or renewed communication, relationships, and involvement with groups and gatherings. New moon on the 6th spotlights the new beginnings, and there’s an unusually smooth harmony and flow with all this that firstly brings you a welcome sense of stability and security, and secondly brings developments, progress and expansion (it’s not all straightforward, but it is easy to run with changes). From around the 20th the focus shifts to long-term plans, status and reputation (especially work and career). There are challenges with this, and what happened in March or last August might be relevant too.