So what’s that all about then? Is it simply referring to the reappearance of the utterly luminescent reality-show winner, singer Leona Lewis with her newly released single, the darkly Scorpio/Taurus themed ‘Bleeding Love’ (You cut me open and I keep bleeding love!!)? Or is there something more? (And something more than being headed for those doom and gloom predictions that comet astrologers of old invested so heavily in, as I have really had it up to here with irritating apocalyptic predictions, it’s all SO 1999)
Along with the smooth as a sports car synchronicity of the Taurus full moon link-up spanning 115 years, it was the quick and unexpected change in the comet’s appearance that got my attention, because Uranus, planet of sudden, unusual, and unpredictable movement is currently opposed to Venus, the planet that rules Taurus, (and therefore a VIP planet for this full moon chart), while Jupiter, the planet of increase and optimism, sits at right angles to both Venus/Uranus.

"As soon as Perseus saw Andromeda's arms bound to the rocky cliffs--he might have thought her a marble statue, save that the light breeze ruffled her hair and a slow tear dripped from her eye--he felt the fires of love. He gaped, so taken by the beauty of her form that he almost forgot to beat the air with his wings. Hovering he cried, "O, you shouldn't be bound with these chains but rather with the bonds that link lovers! Tell me your name, your nation, and why you are shackled here!"
At first the maiden said nothing, embarrassed to answer a strange man. She would have hidden her modest face in her hands had they not been bound. Her eyes were free; they brimmed with tears.
Finally after many false starts, afraid that it would seem her silence was hiding her own crimes, she told him her name and her country and explained that she was chained here because her mother had so boasted of her beauty. Before she could finish the story, the waves thundered and an oncoming beast towered over the great sea, hiding the waters beneath its breast".
Isn't the sheer optimism of Perseus, in his willingness to take on the 'impossible' task and heroic journey of slaying Medusa, more than a bit Jupiter in Sagittarius? and then there's the modest maiden (Venus in Virgo) reaching for freedom from the sea monster unleashed by Poseidon (Uranus in Pisces). Turns out this full moon theme unexpectedly has Perseus meeting Andromeda, via the slaying of Scorpio type she-devil's, written all over it.
There's more on the comet here, and from Lynn Hayes here,
on the astrology of comets here,
and more about the myth of Perseus here , and here.
What I've read most often about comets, as viewed by the astrologers of old, was that a comet foretold the fall of a prince.Sudden and surprising are the descriptions I remember for the Prince's fall.
That sounds a suitably dire prediction for comet sightings of old. I wonder if it means it doesn't bode well for Prince, after he gave his album away for free in the Daily Mail recently?
Mythologies are absolutely fascinating. Your rendition is always well-done and stirs my urge to re-read, re-think those ancient tales. Nice post, as usual!
Thankyou! and it's a bit Mercury retrograde too - the re-reading and re-thinking.
Interesting, this "fall of a prince" motif, the moreso since Holmes appears just below and to the right of Cassiopia's big "W" (as we view it; to its own left).
At the other end of the political spectrum, Senator Clinton has not fared so very well since Holmes erupted; should be fascinating to watch any additional complications which may derive from the imminent Mars-retrograde cycle on the campaign of this child of Scorpio.
So the comet and retrograde furnish us two "princes" who might find it wise to tread softly for the next couple of months ...
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