21st March – 20th April
First half of the month, especially the first week during the full moon in your sign on the 4th, there’s the likelihood of clearing the clutter on certain situations that have felt frustratingly slow or out of control in their backtracking or backlog. Full moons tend to break stalemates, and this one has the energy signature of communication moving things forward at last. After that, planets collect in your house of relationships, pulling your attention to that area of your life, and there’s a new moon here on the 18th, symbolising a new feeling of balance and bonding emerging over the coming weeks.
21st April – 21st May
Under a priority-sorting full moon during the first week of October, the sun in the problem-solving area of your chart is lighting up solutions to long-standing issues, which during the second week can come unexpectedly, suddenly and in unusual forms. There’s a strong link to Saturn (limits and boundaries) at this time too, which can feel constructive or undermining, depending on your current confidence levels at declaring yourself in charge of this process, and then after the 22nd, the sun moves into your house of relationships; and where the sun goes, your attention can’t resist following.
22nd May – 21st June
It’s all happening in the house that rules matters of the heart this month, which covers anything currently making your heart sing, or that you hope will in the future, or who you hope will. Whatever you put your heart into is where your most creative energy soars, so inspiration is high for the whole of October, and pretty unlimited actually, around the final week. Also, your ruler Mercury finishes its retrograde cycle midmonth, which sort of ties up some loose ends from August somehow.
22nd June – 22nd July
The full moon on the 4th takes place between the long-term aims angle of your chart, and the comfort zone angle; symbolising a conflict of interest between past and future, or the pull of the new place versus the familiarity of the old. More planets collect in this comfort zone angle as the month goes on, indicating what your priorities are in current situations, and then there’s a cosy, fuzzy, rather romantic new moon here on the 18th bringing soft and soothing perspectives to help inspire where you go and how you go from here.
23rd July – 23rd August
There’s a turnaround regarding issues around finance and resources as the month gets going; whatever has felt delayed or held back might be shaking loose around now. There’s a fabulous link-up between the sun and Jupiter in the first half of October, affecting communication and relationships (Jupiter is expansive and uplifting, while the sun is creative energy), and then more planets gather in the communication angle of your chart to keep the momentum going. Action planet Mars moves into your sign midmonth; Mars moves you to fulfilment of desires, it’s kind of like a calling you can’t ignore.
24th August – 22nd September
As October begins, you’re seeing things in a different way, symbolised by your ruling planet Mercury’s change of direction. It has been a journey of twists and turns since mid-August, and the final chapter of this particular Mercury story ends midmonth, with a feeling of moving forward into new territory with a whole new perspective gained from what you gathered along your way through recent events. Simultaneously, your relationship planet Jupiter also begins moving forward after months of retreading old ground, and the turnaround reveals solutions that weren’t in view before.
23rd September – 23rd October
The sun is your sign till the 23rd, powering up your creative energies, and allowing you see a world on your wavelength, and around the second week, your ruler Venus is busy experiencing the unexpected, setting boundaries and clearing some emotional clutter. The annual new moon in your sign on the 18th symbolises a sort of turning point emotionally with new feelings on old situations, and new ways of looking at yourself, all destined to carry and call you forward in different, more satisfying ways over the coming months. Finally, there’s a fabulous Venus/Jupiter meeting at end of Oct. Always expansive, lucky and lovely.
24th October – 22nd November
The sun is preparing to move into your sign on the 23rd so it’s the end of your zodiac year and the beginning of a new one. The Scorp New Year is just like any other, with the tendency for self-reflection and evaluation of past experience, so make time for some quiet contemplation to match your introspective attitude. This doesn’t mean its all gone quiet though, not with Mars reaching the top of your chart from midmonth, activating your desire to get things moving in long-term plans; in fact it’s all a bit busy there by the end of the month.
23rd November – 21st DecemberThere should be the sensation of a gathering of momentum in the forward motion of situations as the weeks go by, with your ruling planet Jupiter ending its retrograde cycle (where it appeared to move backwards). At the same time, your relationship ruler Mercury also steps into new territory, with the same forward reaching approach. Jupiter’s turnaround often symbolises some kind of literal turning point in situations, and in this case communication is the key to it all.
22nd December – 20th January
Planets are gathering in the area of your chart symbolising status, ambition and long-term planning, which is a comfy for Capricorn to focus on, as the themes are familiar, being associated with your sign, so the steady stream of related events throughout October might feel welcome and satisfying, especially a new moon here on the 18th symbolising the strong emotional pull toward future plans. Meanwhile your ruler Saturn is soon to begin a very long-term, very change-orientated meeting with transformation planet Pluto in your sign. You might feel the rumblings midmonth, in connection with events linked to plans and ambitions, etc.
21st January – 18th February
There’s a sense of things moving forward as October begins, after all the trust that’s been required in situations since August, from a feeling of being in the dark about what was happening; but with Mercury symbolising your change of mind and change of perspective about things, you’re now in the right position to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Mars moves into the relationship angle of your chart around midmonth, indicating feisty, action-orientated energy. You have strong feelings about what you want at the moment, and Mars wants to move you in that direction.
19th February – 20th March
Mercury ends its retrograde cycle (appearing to move backwards) as October begins, and this often coincides with a release of tension or stress in situations as they start to move forward again. The benefit that comes with a retrograde cycle is the wisdom gained from the experience; the information and conclusions you reach from having to move within situations in a different way (there’s a difference in the way you now see things than when it all started in August, yes?). This all sets you up to trust yourself more, and this is the underlying theme for October.
My favorite part of the month! :) Unless you write other columns later... Always such a pleasure to find new 'type' here. Thanks!
awww! thanks so much :D
I am writing some articles for michele knight's site, I don't do the 'scopes there, but I will be writing regular articles if you are interested...latest should be posted in the next day or so about Jupiter in Aquarius...
thanks again xxxxx
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