Sunday, August 10, 2014

Horoscopes for August 2014

Bit late with the horoscopes this month... here they are on super full moon day. I don't get that excited by super moons, just because they aren't as rare as other events in astrology that never get reported. But super moons are nice.
Annual full moon in Aquarius today... sign of friendship, groups, gatherings, teamwork, life choices and life styles. What is in the emotional spotlight for you on these themes just now?
Here's the scopes, Thanks for reading :)

21st March – 20th April
Despite any recent setbacks, despite slow movement of situations, even despite being pulled emotionally all over the place at times, you have the ability to stay focused on what really matters to you this month. Maybe that’s because you’re now more comfy with the unknown, and more willing to move forward for the sake of your dream or ideal (notice evidence of that around full moon time on the 10th). Basically it’s about not letting outside pressures or inner doubts cloud your clarity, and the new moon on the 25th speaks of great rewards for those who stay loyal to what feels real and right in their heart, not just their head.

21st April – 21st May
There’s a lot of focus on home and family matters for August, and you might notice how things revolve around the idea of comfort zones and about who or what is welcome in your private space. The planets certainly suggest differences of opinion or conflict of interests at times but that doesn’t mean it’s a ‘bad’ month; any low points will help to clarify and define your dreams and desires more fully (especially after the 15th and particularly around the 25th), suggesting there’s much more to gain than to lose by being yourself no matter what others have to say about it.

22nd May – 21st June
There’s plenty of great conversation and enlightening information in store, especially up to midmonth; it’s easy to over-react or overdo things when tired or stressed though, so that’s the time to give yourself and others a break. The full moon on the 10th magnifies feelings about the emotional journey you’ve been on and how you’ve had no choice but to change your perspective and beliefs about so many things. The new moon on the 25th carries another important message about this: don’t get caught up in negative thinking. Fears or doubts can seem very real, yet in reality they remain just fears and doubts, to buy or not buy into.

22nd June – 22nd July
It’s time to get comfortable with recognition and profile-raising as there’s lots to gain right now. There’s an understanding being reached within yourself and a new sense of peace and harmony to experience as a result. That includes more balance (accept the help and support that comes your way). Also, the message of the rather mystical and philosophical new moon on the 25th is that a bit of faith goes an awful long way. Someone might reflect that truth back to you just when you need it most, so stay open to heartfelt advice (if it feels good it’s from the heart).

23rd July – 23rd August
Your intuition or gut instinct is something you can rely on in, so don’t forget to use it this month, perhaps around the full moon on the 10th that focuses on relationships, but especially the final week (especially 25th) when it’s important to separate fact from fiction and hopes from fears in matters involving finance and shared resources. Pressures or stress linked to extra responsibility around home and family situations might feel unwanted, yet
love planet Venus joins 3 other planets in your sign from the 12th, indicating increased energy, attention and movement (and therefore success) in what is important to you.

24th August – 22nd September
Don’t overthink things this month. Not easy when it’s your responsibility to make communication go well, and not easy when logical Mercury moves into your sign (15th) preferring efficiency, order, and for everything to utterly make sense in situations, but the message is about not backing yourself into a corner made of endless possibilities you have no control over. The powerful new moon in your sign on the 25th calls you to let go of mentally micro-managing scenarios, and instead allow situations to unfold more naturally. Go with the flow and expect the flow to support you and your wishes more often.

23rd September – 23rd October
It’s a social and busy time for much of August, particularly up to and around midmonth; it’s all about friendship, support, parties, groups and gatherings. It’s a time to put yourself out there and be comfortable in the spotlight, especially as there’s likely to be a drama or two before the month is out. From the 23rd and especially around the 25th you are more likely to withdraw from the crowds; not in an anti-social way but instead to recharge batteries and give yourself time and space to process and reflect on what has happened throughout the month.

24th October – 22nd November
For much of the month your energy and attention is directed toward career or long-term plans. Reputation, status and public image are all important to you now, as is finding balance and equality between your public and private life. Two planets, Mars and Saturn, meet on the 25th in your sign; it’s a slow build-up all month indicating slow-building stress and pressure in situations, and a sense that so much now is resting on your shoulders. However, a gentle and compassionate new moon on the 25th can soften the harsher effects of all this; just learn to let go and chillax in order to activate the moon magic.

23rd November – 21st December
Planets are meeting in your travel and education chart for much of the month, breathing life and energy into exciting new ideas and perspectives. Sagittarius is the philosopher of the zodiac, who prefers the wisdom of experience and the University of Life as a teacher, so the learning curves and emotional journeys of August are right up your street. There are important new beginnings indicated by the new moon on the 25th relating to career, aims and ambitions. With nebulous Neptune involved it might be a challenge to clearly define your vision at times, but this soft focus is so good for situations that feel hard, harsh or sharp.

22nd December – 20th January
There’s definite progress on difficult situations this month, though with progress comes change and new considerations, so allow time to settle with new ways of seeing and being in certain situations. Your planet is Saturn, which is associated with limits, boundaries, authority and commitments; and around the 25th Saturn is involved in a powerful meeting with mighty Mars, the planet of desire, action, movement and self-interest. It means it all mixes together; there’s committed action, desires with boundaries, and self-responsibility. Work with these positive expressions and transform any negative expressions (pressure to act, self-denial, suppressed desire, etc).

21st January – 18th February
A lovely full moon in your sign on the 10th indicates a shift in the energy of certain situations; it’s about a change in dynamics, or the end of waiting or delays. It’s about seeing things differently and being within situations in new ways. This connects powerfully with the new moon on the 25th, which speaks of transforming problems and finding new paths that include compassion and acceptance as a comfort zone. There’s special or unique communication at that time too, as well as something very distinct and defined going on with your career or long term plans. Don’t settle for less or lack, relax into the idea of abundance and clarity.

19th February – 20th March
Lots of your beliefs and perspectives are being challenged this month, which is made easier by your compassion and empathy for yourself and others. It means you know how to hold the courage of your conviction steady while allowing others to believe and perceive differently. Around the 7th there’s a magical connection to discover with others, while the powerful new moon on the 25th makes promises in relationships that maybe only you know how to deliver. There’s an important balancing and rebalancing act going on this month, so remember to receive as well as to give, and to listen as well as to talk.

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