Sunday, January 03, 2016

January 2016 Horoscopes

Happy New Year folks :) here we go with the first scopes of 2016...
(Don't forget my new website is now up and running at )

21st March – 20th April
You are in the mood for a make-over so change and transformation are key themes for January. The 6th and 7th, and also from the 20th are about events that move and shake you in this respect, and there’s an intensity to all this that feels powerful, especially in situations related to career, status and aspirations. Rebirth, rebuilding, reconnecting and revolution describe what’s going on with you at those times. Your ruler Mars is the focal point of planet patterns around the 18th, symbolising the strength and influence of your desire for action and activity; particularly involving travel, education, health and wellbeing. Day to day appointments and schedules might be transforming too at that time.

21st April – 21st May
You’re feeling adventurous this month, though you might have to talk yourself into it at times (particularly around 6th and 9th). A powerful new moon on the 10th speaks of travel and education as being rich sources of change and development for you (end of the month is significant). New moons mean new beginnings and this one implies new (or renewed) structure and foundation to build on in the year ahead. Make the most of the positive vibes midmonth when synchronicity restores your faith, and there’s lots of activity around partnership and contracts around 18th. From the 20th be mindful of power struggles, when unfinished business comes back into view.

22nd May – 21st June
Your ruler Mercury is retrograde from the 5th to 25th, which means changes of mind or direction. It can also mean communication or info that resurfaces, or reconnects you to a goal or opportunity from the past. There might be a review of your current position and a change of pace; maybe more than once. And it’s probably all this and more, as the planets indicate a deeply, intensely active time for you; particularly from the 20th, culminating with a creative and communicative full moon on the 24th. Hold your nerve, which means keep the faith and stay open to happy twists of fate. Let situations unfold naturally, and they will.

22nd June – 22nd July
Mercury (planet of intellect, logic and communication) is retrograde (moving backwards) in your relationship chart for most of January (till the 25th). It means there might be changes of direction and approach in partnership, discussions and possible delays, or maybe a rewriting or reviewing of contracts and agreements. There’s a lot of planet focus in this area of life, especially around the 6th, 10th and from the 20th (when changes of mind and direction reach a peak). Visible progress on long-term plans is important to you in all this, and there are unexpected twists or sudden developments on the theme of freedom, independence and the road less travelled. It’s all how you carve your unique path.

23rd July – 23rd August
January can be a rewarding start to 2016. It’s not all plain sailing (is it ever?) but this only deepens the satisfaction in triumph when you hit calm waters and have time to appreciate your own efforts. The 6th/7th and 10th is highlighted for this, but especially the final week of the month when it’s a full moon in your sign (24th), which symbolises certain situations coming to a head. What was up in the air is becoming more certain (especially linking to those New Year resolutions). There’s harmony, union, and commitment (especially around 10th), and it’s a month to take fun and entertainment very seriously.

24th August – 22nd September
Mercury retrogrades until the 25th, which means changing your mind or approach to what you put your heart and soul into (noticeable around 6th, 10th, and especially from 20th). It means enjoying digging up the past somehow; maybe revisiting old creative projects or reconnecting to romance of the past. There are lot of ways it can manifest, but all are similar in their power of attraction and intensity of interest to you; firstly from your total commitment to process, and also from the transformation in you and circumstances as a result. To reach the rich sweetness of the experience avoid power struggles and the need to be right; this all goes much deeper than that.

23rd September – 23rd October
An intensely transformative new moon in your home and family chart on the 10th symbolises events during the first week, and especially from the 20th, that are reshaping and rewiring this area of your life. How you view your past, as well as reconnections and reunions are important too. Venus (your ruling planet) is in your communication chart till the 23rd, indicating how much harmony and balance means to you in getting your message across. Don’t lose your faith in the power of the word (9th) and expect the unexpected (13th). Relationships, finances and resources are all linked up this month; it’s complex around the 18th, and simple around full moon time (24th).

24th October – 22nd November
Mars in your sign this month means reserves of energy that allow you to dig deep when you need to (especially around 18th). And yes you need to, as there are challenges and situations for January which have profound emotional impact and that are intensely reshaping and forming your path forward in significant ways (around 6th, 10th and from 20th). This doesn’t mean events are negative, it just means they affect or impact you deeply. It’s not always so intense; midmonth it’s about uplifting relationships, and the enjoyment from expansion and restructuring. Basically it’s another month of evolution and transformation which is what Scorpio is built to experience. That’s why it feels so fulfilling (especially 25th).

23rd November – 21st December
It’s all in the eye of the beholder this month, so make sure you’re seeing the glass half full, or you might not be able to fully appreciate the progress you’re making. Bite size beginnings, or initial steps are just as important as big impressive leaps; and what you’re doing at the moment is going to have long-term benefits, for example if you’re training or in education. During the final week especially, personal, financial or business relationships are intensely in the spotlight with unexpected turning points or sudden movement. It’s a time of transformation, of tying up loose ends of the past, and of discovering the information that helps you do that. 

22nd December – 20th January
This is your time of year. It’s the Capricorn ability of shouldering weighty responsibilities, along with good prep, planning and discipline, that gets the holidays underway in the first place; and it’s your sensible, practical response to ending the old year that sums up your approach to all goodbyes and closing of doors. January 2016 is challenging as there’s all of this and more going on, with great intensity at times (particularly around 6th, 7th, and from 20th). It means you’re up to the task but there’s no let up; except perhaps around 10th (new moon in your sign), 13th and 15th, with new beginnings, information, and opportunities that are a blast from the past.

21st January – 18th February
January 2016 is another chapter in the transformational journey you’ve been on for the past 3 or 4 years. Events around the 6th, 10th and especially from the 20th (when the sun moves into your sign), serve to show you how the structure of your life is changing in a way that can either be viewed as ‘effortless’, or ‘out of your control’. Both views describe the same circumstances but the latter likely feels a lot more stressful to ponder, so it pays to choose the perspective that feels the best emotionally, especially around full moon time (24th) which is an intense period of movement and shifts in relationships and in communication.

19th February – 20th March
There are huge changes or adjustments going on in how you relate to friendships, groups and like-minded folk in general, and it’s because of huge changes in you. What you’ve been through over the past 4 years or so has transformed you to the point that who you reach for, who you want to associate with, and who you feel is now on your wavelength has changed. January 2016 and beyond is reflecting this in profound ways. There’s lots of revisiting the past going on this month but it’s about updating things rather than getting stuck there. The 6th, 10th and from 20th are key dates in all this, and especially around 25th for an important turning point.


Carly Brown said...
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Carly Brown said...

Thank you :)

Barbara Palliser said...

Hi! thanks for reading, Carly :)