Sunday, December 11, 2016

December 2016 Horoscopes

I moved house on the new moon in Sagittarius on Dec 1st (new moon in Sag = new journeys!), hence everything is running late, amidst unpacked boxed :D Better late than never though, here's my horoscopes for December for you :) Last of 2016. Get ready for 2017 ;)

21st March – 20th April
It’s time to take your own advice, especially midmonth during an enlightening, talkative full moon (14th). Your ruler, mighty Mars, moves into the most spiritual angle of your chart from the 19th, which emphasises going within to find your power. Meditation, contemplation, and intuition all serve you well. Logical Mercury retrogrades (appears to move backwards) related to career, status and reputation; so maybe it’s not the right time to end something, or maybe it’s right time to regroup and rethink (maybe both). Relationships are interesting all month, especially final week (25th and 26th) for new expansion. The new moon (29th) is also about career, status and reputation, meaning exciting, unexpected commitments in store.

21st April – 21st May
A sense of belonging is important to you this month, and the midmonth full moon brings up your questions around that, such as where are more like-minded folk that share similar values? There’s a turning point around 19th (Mercury retrograde), which might involve abandoning some plans for just now, but there’s gain, not loss to be found from it. Your steady, practical nature loves security and routine, but there’s also huge value to be had from the unexpected or unpredictable, especially during final week when generous Jupiter meets revolutionary Uranus (around 26th), and the new moon inspires new journeys and perspectives (29th).

22nd May – 21st June
You can’t please everyone, so no point trying. This month (1st, 10th), and especially midmonth when there’s a fulfilling full moon in your sign (14th) follow the approval of your own heart, no matter who has something to say about it. Commitment, contracts and agreements are happening (especially 10th and 19th), and there’s also a temporary change of direction around that time, when your ruler Mercury goes retrograde (moves backward). The new moon (29th) is about new beginnings linked to this, and there’s a mega meeting between Jupiter and Uranus all month (strongest 26th), suggesting doors of opportunity and joy opening unexpectedly and fabulously.

22nd June – 22nd July
Planet Mercury moves into your relationship chart from 2nd, so news and discussion, communication and information, as well as your mindset about your relationships, contracts and agreements will feel important (especially 10th). There’s a talkative and rather spiritual full moon on the 14th that emphasises (and magnifies) all this; then a relationship situation that feels like it’s brewing with intensity might be diffused by a change in direction when Mercury retrogrades (appears to move backwards) after 19th. A new moon on 29th speaks of new beginnings in relationships. A spectacular alignment of Jupiter and Uranus (all month but strongest final week) is about unexpected clarity, opportunity and/or independence, linked to home and career.

23rd July – 23rd August
Harmony planet Venus moves to your relationship chart (7th) so you’re seeking balance and equality, and standing for fairness and justice. Around 10th you’re the boss of fun and entertainment (perfect Leo job!), while creativity and romance mean extra commitment. Full moon (14th) in your house of friendship indicates good times, and events heal trust issues if you’re receptive to that. Mercury retrograde from 19th means avoiding power struggles with a change of direction. You’re also reconnecting with faces and places from the past (especially work related). Final week of December is a bag of goodies, especially 25th and 26th for sweet and stable relationships, and new moon (29th) for exciting expansion and developments, now and in future.

24th August – 22nd September
Venus in your work, health, and problem-solving chart from the 7th means you’re looking to smooth relations with others, and find win/win solutions all month. Your ruler Mercury moves into your fun, creativity and romance chart from the 2nd, which means constructive and productive developments, particularly around 10th, 14th (full moon), from 21st, and around 29th (new moon) for new beginnings. Mercury retrogrades from 19th; the same day that action planet Mars moves into your house of relationships and contracts, suggesting reunions and reconnection, and a rethink or review about relationship direction. Final week of December is about freedom and balance with resources, and maybe there’s unexpected or sudden income and purchase opportunities.

23rd September – 23rd October
Your ruler Venus moves to your house of fun, creativity and romance from the 7th, setting a tone for the month ahead. You’re still practical and grounded, despite your light-hearted mood (or maybe there’s fun in the practicalities) especially around 10th, 14th, and from 19th, with events around new moon time (29th) highlighted as potent symbols of new progress and developments, particularly linked to home and family matters. Mercury retrogrades from 19th, which might mean plans change last minute. It indicates reunions and reconnection too. All month (especially final week) Jupiter and Uranus align in ways that indicate productive, unexpected opportunities, so savour the sweetness. 

24th October – 22nd November
Certain limits linked to income and resources challenge you to stay open and creative, increasing your sense of expertise and authority (especially 10th to full moon on 14th). The extra special Jupiter/Uranus alignment (all month but strongest 25th and 26th) is about sweet harmony found from unusual places, especially communication, which is important all month but particularly around 19th when Mercury retrogrades (appears to move backwards). It indicates events might seem to be going off track or delayed, but don’t jump to conclusions. Presume there’s method to the madness, and what happens around new moon time (29th) and into the first weeks of the new year will make sense of the timing issues.

23rd November – 21st December
This is your time of year. The sun is in your sign until 21st and the positive Jupiter/Uranus alignment (strongest and sweetest 25th/26th) bodes well for your friendships, fun and entertainment, while creative projects benefit from others input. Around the 10th and especially during an informative full moon in your relationship chart (14th), you’re aware of more responsibility on your shoulders, so don’t second guess or self-doubt especially when it comes to home and family matters; stay open to your faith and vision about the future instead. Then what seems like a step backward around 19th turns into two steps forward with the productive and constructive new moon (29th) focused on new beginnings linked to income and resources.

22nd December – 20th January
Planets are gathering in your sign from the 2nd, so getting your message across and your approach to things is more important to you than usual. Mercury (logic and communication) retrogrades from the 19th, indicating a big change of mind and direction, and the sun in your sign from 21st (winter solstice) and new moon on the 29th is about a ‘new you’. The exciting Jupiter/Uranus alignment, which builds all month (strongest 26th), is about sudden or unexpected expansion and opportunities linked to home and career that require a balance of priorities and endless optimism, but it’s like you’ve a guardian angel at your shoulder around 10th, 12th, 14th and 25th, which strengthens both your faith and sense of adventure.

21st January – 18th February
Lots of things are moving at your pace and in comfortable ways this month. Venus in your sign from 7th means feeling good in yourself, along with more harmony and balance with others. Around 10th and especially full moon on 14th friendship requires extra commitment; and income and money is highlighted too, requiring receptivity to receive (in other words, you’re worth it!). Mercury retrogrades (appears to move backwards) from 19th, and you’re fine with the change of mind and direction it brings. From then, you’re half reclusive, half extrovert, which feels like the right balance. Final week the planets align in unusually positive ways, bringing unexpected smiles and surprises. New moon (29th) is about pondering welcome new developments.

19th February – 20th March

The sun energises your house of ambition and status until 21st, meaning you’re feeling empowered about long-term plans and ladders of success, especially career ladders. There could be important meetings or a new sense of authority around 10th, and an optimistic full moon (14th) carries a message to stay receptive to things going your way despite how things appear on the surface. Action-orientated Mars is in your sign from the 19th, so motivation is high. Mercury retrogrades on 19th too, encouraging a change of mind and/or direction. There’s reconnection and reunion with friends, and new moon (29th) is about new friends, groups and gatherings. Final week (25th and 26th) there’s potential for unexpected opportunities linked to income or resources.


Sarah-fiona said...

Wow, Sagi spot on - taking great comfort in this month's horoscope! 😌 Xxx

Barbara Palliser said...

thankyou!! xx