Thursday, May 03, 2007

'Les Fleurs' For 15 Degrees Of Taurus

When the sun reaches 15 degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) it indicates a cross-quarter day in the cycle of the year, and marks a mid-point within the cross of cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

At this point in the wheel of the year, we're mid-way between the equinox point of zero degrees Aries, and the solstice point of zero degrees Cancer. It's a seasonal turning in the wheel from spring to summer if you're in the northern hemisphere, and the corresponding festivals reflect this. As earthy Taurus is ruled by Venus, who was a Goddess of love and beauty, it's no surprise there are blossoming flower maiden's and May Queen's in abundance at this time of year.

The sun reaches 15 degrees of Taurus on 5th May 2007, so in celebration and appreciation of the Venus spirit here's Minnie Riperton's goose bump inducing 'Les Fleurs' on a great YouTube offering. Interestingly, Minnie Riperton was born at 15 degrees of Scorpio...

Will somebody wear me to the fair?
Will a lady pin me in her hair?
Will a child find me by a stream?
Kiss my petals and weave me through a dream.

For all of these simple things and much more a flower was born
It blooms to spread love and joy faith and hope to people forlorn

Inside every man lives the seed of a flower
If he looks within he finds beauty and power

Ring all the bells sing and tell the people be aware that the flower has come
Light up the sky with your prayers of gladness and rejoice for the darkness is gone
Throw off your fears let your heart beat freely at the sign that a new time is born


Tumblewords: said...

Wow! Great post! The YouTube was a delight and Wikipedia provided much more info than the little bit I previously possessed. Thanks!

Barbara Palliser said...

Isn't that video fabulous!!! I'm so pleased you enjoyed it too, and thanks for saying thanks :-) xxx