Friday, December 03, 2010

December Horoscopes

21st March – 20th April

Your feisty ruling planet Mars moves into your career and status zone on the 8th, so you’re looking longterm and feeling driven to reach toward plans. What happens around the 14th connected to this can be intense; Mars meets transformational Pluto, so it could be a change of direction, it could be some kind of turning point, but it’s going to feel significant. Romance is deepening nicely around that time too. Then there’s a stormy full moon eclipse on the 21st; the mood is unpredictable and high energy, but unshaken you are keeping your focus firmly on those future plans.

21st April – 21st May

There’s a perspective shift regarding income and resources this month; you’re changing your view big time through a series of events that works like a truth quest. See it like any relationship that you learn and evolve as a result of your interaction with. All your relationships are important this month too, as your ruler Venus is moving through this area of your chart. New moon on the 5th is nice for new love, and attached Taureans notice partners are also going through their own process; give them a break if they’re showing signs of the stress of it, especially midmonth.

22nd May – 21st June

There’s a lovely new moon (new feeling) influencing relationships on the 5th, then Mercury, your ruler, retrogrades from the 10th (appears to move backwards). No it’s not about things going downhill, it’s about reconnecting with the past or reviewing the present in some way. This merges well with the intense flavour of events this month, which have a theme of change and surrendering to the change: the 14th around friendship, the 21st around love, and the 26th around communication. Mercury ends its retro phase on the 31st, which is the perfect way to begin a New Year: freshly looking forward in a new direction.

22nd June – 22nd July

Wow, it’s all about relationships in such a big way for Cancer this month. So much happening, so much to trust yourself about and surrender worry about. Every relationship is a reflection of your relationship with yourself, so that is where you are going to have to keep coming back to in order to make sense of certain situations, or to get the most out of what’s happening. Most busy and intense midmonth, and most emotionally impacting around the 21st, under a full moon eclipse, along with plenty of inspiration for end of year positive reflection.

23rd July – 23rd August

An adventurous new moon on the 5th spices up matters of the heart, and on the 6th your relationship ruler ends a retrograde phase ongoing since July. It means a turning point for any situation that has felt stuck in the past, or which has reached a sticking point. As the month goes on moving forward and looking forward is what it’s all about. There’s a line-up of planets influencing health and wellbeing, so there’s no room for soldiering on or for tolerating stress and ignoring pressure; the planets want you in tip top condition for 2011 so be good to yourself.

24th August – 22nd September

Early December has an unpredictable, edgy feel at times when Mars/Uranus presses all your comfort zone buttons, but from the 6th there’s some kind of turning point in relationship issues and you are getting a feel for freedom and independence within all connections. Your ruler Mercury retrogrades from the 10th (appears to move backwards) till the 31st, amidst a heavy line-up of planets; it can mean mixed messages, especially midmonth; and complex dynamics in communications. There’s fun to be had too though, but always with Pluto’s characteristic intensity.

23rd September – 23rd October

The new moon on the 5th brings a new emotional dimension to all communications, and there’s a growing emphasis on finances and resources and the way they link to your domestic bliss at the moment. It’s a stable and structured time till around the 10th, then a heavy line-up of planets in the comfort zone angle of your chart tests your emotional mettle towards change. It’s a fabulous planet presence for literal restructuring of your home, but more so metaphorically there’s something of the phoenix rising within you to greet your new year.

24th October – 22nd November

There’s a sparkly new moon for Scorpio on the 5th, as magnetic Venus is still in your sign and linking up creatively and happily to your ruling planet Pluto. Expect scintillating conversation and the upper hand in all relationship scenarios. Even midmonth onward, when the rest of the zodiac buckles under the strain of some formidable planet aspects, you seem to be in your element with what’s on offer and continually find yourself rising to the challenge of any occasion. It can’t hurt to watch finances closely though; Mercury’s in trickster mode, so careful it’s not your soul you’re signing away.

23rd November – 21st December

New moon in your sign on the 5th means a new you in so many ways. There’s also a feeling of the tide turning in some way, especially at home, where there’s been a certain current you’ve had to ride since July. Relationships need careful handling for much of the month, especially those with financial attachments. Love might be calling for a change of direction or approach, and new love might have links to the past in some way. There’s a powerful and intense flavour to much of December’s events, but that has positive connotations indeed for a spice hungry sign like Sadge.

22nd December – 20th January

So much planet activity in your sign means lots happening this month, and because transformational Pluto is at the heart of it, your experiences might feel profound and probably intense at times. It’s possible you’re the catalyst for others transformation and change too, especially midmonth when there’s a particular hotspot of planets that speak of changing patterns, changing perspective and trusting the unknown territory all that brings. Pluto means light at the end of the tunnel, but you have to look for it, and the sun moving into your sign from the 21st is a good solid symbol of exactly that.

21st January – 18th February

Since early July your ruler, the unconventional Uranus has been retrograde (appearing to move backwards). Rather than regression, it tends to mean introspection, alternative approaches, or certain situations put on hold for a later date. From the 6th, Uranus moves forward again; slowly, but the turning point is there, and as the month goes on you might be seeing signs of this and maybe the time begins to feel right for movement or a change of mind on a subject or project. There’s a lot that feels out of your hands this month, but that doesn’t mean circumstances aren’t on your side.

19th February – 20th March

There’s a supportive new moon on the 5th, in the career and status section of your chart. It indicates a new feeling or a new sense of purpose about aims and ambitions, which answers and settles recent restlessness. You might not know all the details yet, but the feeling is in you that things are moving forward and it’s enough to see you through December’s choppy planetary waters. Keep the faith that alternatives and options are now on their way, as it’s easy to buy into others lack of vision, they don’t mean harm, they just don’t have your insight.

Monday, November 01, 2010

November Horoscopes

21st March – 20th April

Love planet Venus returns to your relationship zone from the 8th, in mood for a reunion or reconnection; it’s also a time when peace and harmony can be restored, especially if it’s been noticeably lacking of late. There’s a turning point for you from the 18th somehow, where relationships seem easier to move forward, which is helpful during the final week during a particularly challenging planet pattern that symbolises flashes and clashes of conflict, in communication especially. On the positive side, it can certainly clear the air.

21st April – 21st May

This is a month of tying up loose ends on complaints and grievances that have bugged you for some time now. Don’t worry if at first it seems to get worse than before, because for some reason it always gets worse before it gets better, and it means you can see more clearly what you’re dealing with as it’s brought to the forefront more vividly. It’s all been about reaching a new balance; integrating and accepting rather than denying and pushing away. There’s a turning point from the 18th, when things feel fairer, more equal, in your perception.

22nd May – 21st June

There’s a nice new moon on the 6th related to work, as well as long-term plans, and is also great for impressing those who matter. Not that you are that bothered about their approval, which is probably why it’s so easy to gain it, but it’s nice all the same. Around the 18th there’s important links to partnerships, as your relationship ruler Jupiter is moving forward in a new way; no more holding back, or things feeling held up. Keep the faith during the final week (especially at work), as there’s no holding back on communication, whatever the mood, and it’s all rather sudden.

22nd June – 22nd July

Your creativity is calling you big time this month, and this has potential income attached. The trick is flowing your energy towards where it is your heart really lies as there’s no room for duty or obligation where creativity is concerned. Matters of the heart have a magic in other ways too, as romance is in the air, especially around mid-month. Do your best to detach from drama as the month goes on; there’s a disruptive vibe brewing in certain situations that you feel drawn to sort out, but perhaps you’re best viewing fireworks from a distance?

23rd July – 23rd August

Home, family, comfort zone, nostalgia, it’s all stirring you emotionally for much of November, especially around new moon time on the 6th, when you come to realise it’s about transforming the past, not throwing it away or destroying it. There’s buried treasure to come to light around this; maybe through communication that gives you a new perspective and turning point from the 18th. You’re having fun this month but also in the mood for quiet time, however certain situations will challenge you every step of the way on that one, especially during the final week.

24th August – 22nd September

You’ve been looking to heal or transform certain situations with your words and it’s easy when powered by the intention-filled new moon on the 6th. There’s some unfinished business to wrap up regarding finances when Venus slips back into this zone of your chart from the 8th, but it’s all for a positive purpose, which might begin to show itself when Venus changes direction on the 18th, as things move forward from then. This is true of relationships too, although with a highly unpredictable, and at times volatile, edge during the final week. It’s still all about moving forward though.

23rd September – 23rd October

Your ruler Venus returns to your sign from the 9th, bringing the return of unfinished business, especially from September time. Then Venus hits a turning point around the 18th, and so do you: no more looking to the past, no more feeling that things are passing you by, no more feeling you can’t get yourself going in the right direction. Instead, there’s faith in the future once again; situations seem to sort themselves out and you can actually see your path forward. Now is the time to receive the benefit of your hard work from weeks gone by.

24th October – 22nd November

The annual new moon in Scorpio is on the 6th. It’s always a good time for a bit of self-reflection and to get clear on current intentions as new moons always symbolise what is incubating emotionally, and it feels more significant when in your sign. Think of it as a New Year for the emotions, and use negative feelings as fertilizer for a positive new perspective. Venus helps with this by leaving your sign till the end of the month, encouraging you to see both sides of an argument or problem. It helps clear a long-standing nagging sense of injustice, to see where they’re coming from.

23rd November – 21st December

Bit of a turning point happening for Sag this month: not only is your ruler Jupiter ending its retrograde phase (where it appeared to go backwards) from the 18th, but the sun moves into your sign, from the 22nd. It’s from the first week that you might start to sense a shift in situations coming, perhaps with communication breaking something loose in a stalemate and ending that stuck feeling, or maybe new light is shed on some issues (especially relating to home). Whatever way it works, Jupiter’s turnaround matches your own feeling of being able to move forward, and look forward, once again.

22nd December – 20th January

It’s busy and social first week of the month, and friends are glad of your support and problem-solving skills. Work-wise you are the power behind the scenes midmonth, while at home your opinion matters. There’s also the potential for opportunities to re-emerge at work that you thought had passed you by; or it’s a case of finding a new direction lighting up before your eyes (especially from the 18th). Final week of November is ripe for drama and arguments: fiery Mars clashes with unpredictable Uranus at that time, so nothing gets bottled up for later.

21st January – 18th February

First week especially is so work and career orientated; it’s all about direction and planning, with a new moon in this area of your chart on the 6th that symbolises new feelings emerging about where you go from here. No worries if you don’t have the bigger picture at that time, it’s because Neptune is clouding issues as well as your creative mind (only temporarily, till the 18th). There’s a lucky feel for finances too, but again, don’t let Neptune fog your instinct. Mars makes friendships fiery and unpredictable end of the month, but also fast-moving to new and better places.

19th February – 20th March

It’s clear you mean business this month; it’s because you’ve got a sense of the bigger picture at work in your life, which automatically gives you a sense of where your priorities lie. You’re in the mood for action on aims and ambitions; more so when Jupiter changes direction in your sign from the 18th, as this symbolises an important change of direction in you; looking ahead, not to the past, and looking forward to the future. Final week can stir things up though, as the mood is unruly and you’re in the mood to let loose a bit.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Venus Retrograde In Scorpio 2010

This week, during the new moon in the Venus ruled sign of Libra, Venus was coming to a grinding halt in the skies, ready to change direction on the 8th October and move back on itself, reversing its forward motion. It wasn't really of course, it just looks that way to us because of orbits and things - it makes a sort of optical illusion from where we stand. It will continue this way till November 18th, when it appears to stop and turnaround again, to resume it's forward motion.

Optical illusion or not, it's significant in astrology, and what with last weeks Mars/Venus conjunction, and with that Venus ruled new moon (new moon = new emotional phase), it makes for a particularly amplified Venus vibe right now, which turns up the volume, and no doubt the heat (Scorpio is an emotionally intense sign at the best of times), on all Venus ruled matters... relationships - especially relationships with women - also money, property, self worth and self esteem; those issues are all making their presence felt more keenly through circumstances right now.

There's also a particular emphasis on any unfinished business... this is Scorpio territory anyway, but also because retrogrades are noted for things cropping up again - places and faces from the past re-emerge into consciousness for whatever reason, and Venus retro in particular is into reconnections of relationships. And thanks to the Scorpio flavour, re-emergence is a key theme; what was hidden comes to light, and what was lost is found.

This retrograde cycle also links back to 8 years ago, which was the last time Venus retrograded at this spot. Think back to 2002 and you might see echoes or reminders from then working through current events. Not necessarily literally, it's usually emotionally; how you felt back then as result of significant situations connects in some way to where you stand now; you can trace your emotional evolution from back then to now.

So what did last weeks events throw up emotionally for you, as there's a clue there in how this cycle might be playing out at deep levels. Scorpio is always deep, and is also about the process of moving within unknown or unknowable territory, and also about getting comfortable with the uncontrollable (pretty much everything outside yourself), and this is why so much of that sign revolves around trust and learning to trust your own instincts, intuition and your emotional resources. When you are left not knowing what is round the corner, or left feeling in the dark, it's all you've got to go on.

Venus deals with what you value and appreciate, in yourself and therefore in relation to others and the physical world itself. The Scorpio process is an emotionally focused one, that requires the willingness to let go of what you have known to be true about yourself in the past, in favour of deciding what might be more true now, given who you feel you are now. It's a healing, renewing, transforming process, while the retrograde phase is a period of review... always a review of the self, no matter how much it seems to be about others, they are just the excuse to feel the way you do... whether positively or negatively, situations and relationships with others call attention to your relationship with yourself; as what you say about them, how you see them, how you view them, reflects how you are really feeling about you. So Venus retrograde says if you don't like what you see it's time to re-view it - look again by looking at yourself differently in a situation - re-value your place within it... you're worth it :)

Saturday, October 02, 2010

October Horoscopes

21st March – 20th April

There’s a strong focus on all your relationships this month, as well as any agreements and contracts with others. A Venus/Mars meeting during the first week spells passion and intensity in romance, while other relationships have a easy bond, based on a shared sense of appreciation for the other’s position. From the 7th, after a new moon focused on joining forces through joint intentions, Venus retrogrades (appears to move backwards). This is a strong indication of returning to unfinished business over the coming weeks, so remember to deal with it as who you are now, not who you were then.

21st April – 21st May

First week of the month has a special feel for love: it’s sassy and sensual, with a touch of mystery; it’s all that you appreciate with a bit more added. From the 7th your ruler Venus retrogrades (appears to move backwards). This doesn’t mean you’re going the wrong way, just seeing things from a different perspective than of late; it indicates an important turning point, especially in relationships, where you are seeking to review and relate to the past in a new way. You are not bound to repeat the past, though you might worry you are heading that way at times.

22nd May – 21st June

Your ruler Mercury meets limitation planet Saturn during the first week of October, during a new moon that evokes a new feeling about creative projects and matters close to your heart. It about coming to the awareness that frustrating barriers and closed doors you encounter on the outside are only reflecting conclusions you came to about yourself in the past, and that this is all ripe for review right now. Venus retrogrades from the 7th, which indicates this review process in action; it’s a process of trusting there’s more to you than used to meet your eye.

22nd June – 22nd July

You’re most aware of changes you’d like to make related to home and family matters from new moon time around the 7th; trust the vision you have, which might feel idealistic but which is the perfect blueprint to aim for. Partners are matching your mood on this too. The planets are slowly collecting in your house of fun and entertainment as the month goes on, which means you need to find plenty of ways to let your heart sing and your creativity flow. Venus retrogrades here on the 7th which means nostalgia and old haunts are involved in doing so.

23rd July – 23rd August

Staying in is the new going out during the first week of October, when a deep and intimate Mars/Venus aspect happens in the comfort of your own home. If you’re single, love is not too far from your own doorstep, and might even be a blast from the past once Venus Retrogrades down memory lane from the 7th. There’s also a strong emphasis on communication for much of the month, and there’s even a kind of telepathy going on with you and a certain someone on the 17th, so remember that around the 22nd as their actions might bamboozle you.

24th August – 22nd September

Venus Retrogrades this month, which tends to bring up unfinished business around relationships. There’s also a new moon in your house of finance and resources on the 7th, ushering in a new kind of feeling related to this area of your life. And because it’s all about worth and value, it’s also about self worth; about how deserving you feel to step up to a new level of receiving and of accepting more of your own resourcefulness; there’s only you can decide this (even though it might look like others have a say) so find your balance with yourself, not with others.

23rd September – 23rd October

During the first week of Oct, your ruler Venus mingles with action planet Mars in your house of finance and resources; it indicates your priorities are in order and that you feel more comfortable with your future at this point. Because the sun is in your sign till the 23rd, there’s a new moon in your sign on the 7th; this is about setting new intentions, and feeling a new sense of where you want to go from here. It coincides with the start of Venus retrograde, which means for the time being that direction is revisiting the past in all sorts of ways.

24th October – 22nd November

There’s much that feels out of your direct control this month, but this doesn’t mean unco-operative forces are bound to mess up your plans, as it’s when you let go of the idea that you need to control things to make them happen, that they happen. Venus begins a retrograde cycle in your sign from the 7th, which indicates a change in direction or approach is called for over the coming weeks, especially when dealing with partners and loved ones who are going through their own change in direction. It’s a time of transformation for everyone, it seems.

23rd November – 21st December

Mars, planet of action and motivation, moves into your sign from the 28th, which symbolises a refreshed desire to get moving with goals. Before that though, there’s plenty going on behind the scenes in preparation for this; much of which you just have to trust and go with the flow of. Not a bad thing to do this, especially around the 20th, when Mars is in fabulous aspect to your ruler Jupiter; it symbolises a helping hand when you need it, especially regarding matters at home, which have been taking on a life of their own in recent months.

22nd December – 20th January

While your main focus is either work and career, or long-term plans and ambitions for much of the month, especially around the 7th when a new moon opens doors and windows of opportunity, there’s still time for an interesting distraction romantically, symbolised by a fabulous conjunction of Mars and Venus during the first week. There’s a big link between romance and friendships within this, as well as reunions or reconnections with old friends as the month goes on thanks to the Venus Retrograde cycle getting underway. Also, communication is brilliant and productive around the 20th, in so many ways.

21st January – 18th February

There’s a wealth of new ideas and inspiration available to you, as a result of a new perspective you are coming to, symbolised by a fresh feeling new moon on the 7th.
Don’t settle for creative blocks, just stop believing in them; they aren’t what you are really about, even when Venus Retrograde takes you to old territory, it’s not getting stuck in the past, it’s to shed your own light in a new way. Even when you imagine you are running out of steam, or about to get fooled again (around the 22nd), it’s still just about the power of your imagination.

19th February – 20th March

There’s a mix of vibes at times this month, especially during the first week when relationships can be at times distant and frustrating but then also new and refreshingly up close and personal. Yin and Yang are fabulous when entwined but they are polar opposites, so in your connections with others only focus on how well the different pieces and perspectives fit, rather than noticing how different the pieces and perspectives are. This is easiest around an action-packed full moon on the 23rd; when the flow is really moving you in all the right directions.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

September Horoscopes

21st March – 20th April

You are getting a new perspective on problems and obstacles during the first half of the month, emphasised once Mercury (planet of logic and the next logical step) changes direction from the 12th. From this point it might feel easier to see the road ahead appearing. Your ruler Mars switches signs from the 15th, symbolising a switch in mood for you; it’s all about letting go of your worry about uncontrollable factors and feeling motivated to trust the momentum of what’s going on right now. Stop looking for spanners in the works, in other words.

21st April – 21st May

There’s a juggling act going on up to midmonth, due to changes which might not seem big in themselves, but mount up in all the details that need pulling together. Doing so increases confidence in your own ability, and this serves you well once feisty Mars starts influencing your relationship zone from the 15th and especially around the full moon on the 23rd, when you need to rely on your own instincts about a situation. Others might have powerful opinions on the subject, but it doesn’t mean they are right; go with your own intuition.

22nd May – 21st June

Your ruler Mercury ends its retrograde cycle from the 12th which means you are done looking back and ready to look forward, this time with the benefit of recent experience. There’s a fabulous energy around work and career plans now, and in fact all long-term plans; especially those you thought fell by the wayside in recent months, you just might find opportunities pop up unexpectedly to wake what you thought was put to rest. Romance is deep and intense during the final week, with enough suggestion of mystery to raise your Gemini curiosity.

22nd June – 22nd July

Everything’s a bit up in the air as September gets going, so if you can make peace with the (temporary) feeling of not knowing exactly how it’s all going to turn out, it stops your mind from wild goose chasing for answers. Focus instead on what makes sense right now, which is finding an outlet for all your creative juices that are in full flow from midmonth. There’s a full on kind of full moon around the 23rd; it’s all about reaching a balance, for example, existing emotional attachments versus unexpected responsibilities. The underlying link is that you care about both.

23rd July – 23rd August

There’s a turnaround in store regarding money matters as Mercury changes direction from the 12th. Before that time the pace might be frustratingly slow on sorting out certain situations, so bide your time and don’t try to hammer into place what is reluctant to move. Jupiter/Uranus are together in the area of your chart that deals with the unknown, and especially around the 18th it’s as if you discover the light switch you’ve been feeling around in the dark for. There’s also interesting communication around full moon time on the 23rd, bringing sudden bursts of clarity.

24th August – 22nd September

Lovely new moon in your sign on the 8th; it’s an annual event that is the zodiac equivalent of your new year, so it’s a great time for new resolutions and intentions. From the 12th your ruler Mercury ends its retrograde cycle (appearing to move backwards) which is a powerful symbol of a turning point for you. It represents a change in perspective where you feel able to move forward and look more to the future. Jupiter/Uranus in your relationship zone can bring unexpected surprises, especially around the 18th. Nice ones though; no nasty shocks.

23rd September – 23rd October

There’s still some reconnections with the past emerging until Mercury ends its retrograde cycle midmonth, and that’s also the time you’re called to see beyond any feeling of limitation or restriction, as there’s always a way through and Mercury’s change of direction helps you to see that. Around the 23rd there’s a fabulous full moon in your relationship zone. It coincides almost exactly with the sun starting its annual journey through your sign, and is a powerful symbol of you bringing yourself into more balance and alignment, partly about relationships with others, but mostly in your relationship to yourself.

24th October – 22nd November

Venus, goddess of love, moves into your sign from the 9th; followed by Mars, god of passion and action, from the 15th. Together they make you a formidable presence: seeing the world through eyes of Venus feels not only a pleasure for you but also a pleasure for others who are the focus of your appreciative gaze, so prepare to be in demand. Mars is all about action; you are in the mood to get moving, so follow the call of your passion. A balancing full moon on the 23rd helps you let go of what’s not your problem to solve.

23rd November – 21st December

There might be a feeling of restriction or limitation up to midmonth regarding important plans; it’s because you are much more aware of how you are being perceived by others, who seem to have the power to help or hinder your motion forward. It’s when Mercury reaches the end of its retrograde cycle on the 12th that you change your thinking and begin to realise how little others approval or disapproval really matters. Then a fabulous alignment of Jupiter/Uranus around the 18th lifts your spirits and works to free up stuck situations (sometimes quite suddenly).

22nd December – 20th January

Mercury’s retrograde cycle ends midmonth, which for you means you’re about to reach an important turning point in your thinking; you’ve been on a bit of a learning curve from recent events and Mercury’s cycle indicates you’re processing the details of what you’ve learnt and gaining the wisdom of your experience. All this helps you stand your ground on what you now believe is important to you; especially around the full moon on the 23rd, which seems to bring to the forefront those events that demand you display the courage of your conviction.

21st January – 18th February

There’s a knack to allowing your creative ideas to flow this month; firstly don’t try too hard: any struggle and striving is counterproductive, so distracting yourself with feel good experiences will be more beneficial than nose to the grindstone attitude. Next, don’t worry about insomnia; you have big energy flowing now which just doesn’t require as much sleep. A little daydreaming goes a long way, as does the odd power nap, which also lets the universe drop in the inspiration while you aren’t looking. Finally, let go of worrying about what you can’t control; loosening the grip here also loosens old stuck energy blocks.

19th February – 20th March

There’s a partnership new moon on the 8th. New moons usher in new emotional vibes, so if you’ve been looking for new beginnings, fresh starts or emotional developments, the energy is supportive of your intentions. The end of Mercury’s retrograde cycle on the 12th also points to relationships, indicating a change of perspective and a feeling of moving forward once more, while Jupiter/Uranus in your sign means you’re moving with lightning speed at times. This planetary aspect also suggests lucky breaks and sudden good fortune, so expect miracles when you least expect them.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

August Horoscopes

21st March – 20th April

Events have had a unique flavour recently and there’s more unexpected twists and turns to come, especially regarding relationships, where the paradox is you feel compelled to break your own rules in order to stay true to yourself. The benefit of this from the 10th (new moon time) is the surge in creativity; this is when to throw yourself into new projects, interests or whatever it is you feel compelled to pour your heart into. It’s also new romance, or renewed romance, thanks to a fabulous meeting of love planet Venus and action planet Mars; it’s love action like never before.

21st April – 21st May

Home is where your heart is right now, along with the motivation and inspiration for big projects, so it’s the kind of month where a head count of DIY superstore customers would reveal a heavier than usual Taurean presence. You are in the mood to manifest grand designs, especially around the 10th, and by that time you have found your flow when it comes to dealing with niggly obstacles, of which there’s a few, no question, but it kicks your solution seeking skills into high gear. Don’t fear the obstacles this month; they bring out the genius in you.

22nd May – 21st June

Gemini is the sign that rules communication in all forms; it’s where you shine, and the new moon on the 10th is spotlighting this. If situations have been excruciatingly slow, frustratingly unpredictable, or both simultaneously, they’re now attracting your communication cure. There might be a trip down memory lane after the 20th, thanks to Mercury retrograde, but big news is Mars and Venus are close together, which can make everyday feel like Valentine’s Day as long as you keep your scepticism in check. Your doubts hamper Cupid’s progress, so get out of the little guy’s way and let Love rule.

22nd June – 22nd July

The planets are shaping to symbolise a tension arising from feeling pulled in directions. There’s a lot of energy around this, hence the tension is something you can’t ignore. There’s no point choosing sides and making a fight out of it, so what to do? well from the new moon around the 10th you are encouraged to focus in another area of your life, around the idea of money, value, and ownership, and it’s this new focus that indirectly begins to relieve tension caused by the conflict in other areas. Then there’s much more harmony as the month continues, especially at home.

23rd July – 23rd August

The sun is in your sign till the 23rd, which strengthens your current vision for the future, boosts your pulling power in attracting what you want, and turns your attention (and everyone else’s attention) towards yourself. The only downside to this is if you’re feeling negative, situations can quickly spiral into drama, and then you’re still the centre of the action but not altogether in a good way. By the end of the month the focus shifts slightly to sorting finances, and while doing so, check everything three times so you don’t trip over Mercury Retrograde.

24th August – 22nd September

Big emphasis on money matters this month: income, ownership, shared finances etc. And because the planets are grouped in opposition to each other in this area of your chart, it symbolises a clash of perspectives playing out in your financial life. But even though it seems the opposition is coming at you from the outside, it’s actually the symbol of an internal struggle; so make peace with yourself first to fully free you up from the outside fight. Mercury is retrograde (moving backwards) in your sign from the 20th; so you might turn to the past for your next move.

23rd September – 23rd October

Love planet Venus and passion planet Mars entwine in your sign this month, which is just about the best indicator for lots of love and romance you can get, so take advantage of the cosmic cupid vibe as this kind of planet pattern doesn’t come along every day. Admittedly, it’s a challenging start to August for all kinds of relationships, as Venus hits Saturn, planet of limits and boundaries, while a Mars/Jupiter mix can too easily set sparks flying; but on the whole it’s an atmosphere of amore all the way.

24th October – 22nd November

Up to midmonth it might feel difficult to communicate what you are really wanting to communicate because of what else is going on. There’s a lot of jostling energies at the moment: conflicts between what your priority is and wanting to fair with others, and also wanting to sort out problems yourself while having to allow others equal input too. But there are new paths emerging from this, especially involving long-term plans, and work related too. Elsewhere, romance gets so interesting as the month goes on thanks to a Mars/Venus blending; this all has a soulmate and destiny kind of feel to it.

23rd November – 21st December

No matter what happens this month, stay focused on the idea that there’s a way through about to be shown you. Mars and Venus are interlocking in the hopes and dreams angle of your chart and it signifies unconditional support around your most cherished wishes. It’s like you find the yin to your yang and you get to feel the sense of balance of that regarding your future plans. But because your ruler Jupiter is locked into opposition with Saturn (conditional support) your hopes might seem far-fetched and inaccessible given current climate. Just don’t be drawn in to doubts and see what transpires.

22nd December – 20th January

As August gets going it first seems a bit of a jumble of all sorts of things happening at once, as there’s pushing and pulling between different expectations and demands on your time, but as the month goes on there’s an easing up of these conflicts and a new kind of harmony comes into play instead. While you feel you have to keep certain aspects of yourself held back or on hold because of circumstances right now, there’s still the feeling of progress, and especially so as a result of a change in how you see things at this point.

21st January – 18th February

Around the 10th there’s a new moon in the partnership angle of your chart, symbolising how your close relationships and commitments with others are a kind of channel or focus for your energies into at the moment, in a way that works to relieve your tension (and your partner’s tension) about stuck or conflicting energy elsewhere in your/their life. In other words there’s a lot going on that isn’t easy to solve overnight; these are long running situations that produce a low level background hum of tension, so isn’t it nice to be able to distract yourself with a bit of harmony.

19th February – 20th March

Uranus returns to your sign this month, to make sure all that you’ve learnt since 2003 has sunk in. Uranus is the planet that symbolises your awareness of your uniqueness and individuality (think snowflakes and fingerprints) that only you can set free. Because it’s a busy time of conflicting perspectives and clashing agendas, Uranus is again encouraging you to remember how free you really are in yourself, and to not compromise on that idea. It’s all a state of mind according to Uranus, no matter what the circumstances would invite you to believe.

Friday, July 02, 2010

July Horoscopes

21st March – 20th April

The new moon eclipse on the 11th is about new beginnings connected to home and family. These new beginnings unfold from the past, so maybe a new perspective on old memories, or perhaps literally reconnecting with the past in a new way. It’s also reaching for solutions and finding them, as your ruler Mars is busy all month in the problem-solving angle of your chart. From the 22nd structure-loving Saturn is influencing your relationships; Saturn loves to build and loves to commit, so you’re irritated with wishy-washy or half-baked plans, and into a search for something more solid.

21st April – 21st May

July’s new moon eclipse (11th) falls in the communication angle of your chart, bringing to the forefront the importance of connections and getting the message across. There’s an emphasis on emotional ties and links to the past with this eclipse, so there might be reconnections through communication or talks that take you down memory lane. Words bring you comfort and you can offer the same to others, as your understanding and empathy is amplified. Good times are indicated by your ruler Venus’s journey through the joy-seeking angle of your chart, pointing out plenty to put your heart into.

22nd May – 21st June

The new moon eclipse on the 11th is a theme setter for months to come; this eclipse takes place in the values and resources angle of your chart, so it’s all about making the most of what you’ve got, as well as finding ways to open the doors to more. Money and possessions are the most obvious focus of attention of course, but it’s also about becoming more aware of your own God/dess given talents and attributes that can’t be taken away, only discovered and shared. It’s all about appreciation, which is the real currency of the universe, and so there’s no time now for modesty or a socially acceptable self-critical eye.

22nd June – 22nd July

A fabulously powerful new moon eclipse is happening in your sign on the 11th, which means this is the time to go with the flow of new directions and new paths that are appearing, as it’s all about a new you emerging over the coming months. The plans might not be ready to manifest overnight but there’s plenty to discuss in the meantime, and you’re feeling in the mood to get details straight and sorted with others. Crack on with this kind of communication up until the end of the month, as that’s when you’re most pushy for answers.

23rd July – 23rd August

The eclipse on the 11th indicates that a go with the flow mindset is key to navigating events in the months to come, as what’s going on around you now requires you to not try so hard at making things happen, and instead relaxing and allowing things to happen. It’s like trying to make yourself fall asleep; the more you focus the worse it gets, especially when you remind yourself why it’s vital you need the sleep. So best not try to force or demand events into place, especially at the end of the month regarding communication.

24th August – 22nd September

There are three key planets in your sign this month: Venus, the love planet, seeking harmony and balance in relationships (especially your relationship with yourself); Mars, moving and motivating you to action; and Saturn reminding you that only you can be the authority of you. Plenty of plotlines can be stirred up from those planet themes, so it looks to be a busy July. Saturn leaves your sign on the 22nd, relieving pressure and tension in one respect, however the month ends with a firm focus on finances, so the pressure’s now on to feel sorted there.

23rd September – 23rd October

The new moon eclipse on the 11th is focusing on your longterm plans and ambitions, and events are drawing your attention here over and over again this month, and possibly for some time to come. Saturn, planet of structure, responsibility and limits is re-entering your sign from the 22nd, which helps with the need for long range focus but also encourages a more serious and weighty outlook on life; it’s all to easy to argue for your limitations when Saturn is around, so it’s important to remember that nothing has to be taken so seriously as Saturn would have you believe.

24th October – 22nd November

It’s been quite a journey over recent months, and the new moon eclipse on the 11th is about the change in perspective you’ve got from all that experience, and how you are standing in a different place with yourself, coming from a different viewpoint. The eclipse energy is helping you gather your thoughts and feelings about your direction and future intentions from here, and from the 23rd, when the sun moves through the long-term aims and ambitions angle of your chart, you’e in the mood to start moving forward with your ideas.

23rd November – 21st December

Powered by the vibe of a new moon eclipse on the 11th that ushers in an urge for deep change, there’s a theme of renewal and rebirth going on all month, as your ruling planet Jupiter links to phoenix-rising planet Pluto. It means that if you’ve been thinking all that’s left is a few ashes of what once was, you’re wrong! That’s only half the story, there’s new life to come from the old and you’re about to rise from the challenge of those ashes. But there’s no hurry; take your time, and go the scenic route (especially around the 23rd).

22nd December – 20th January

There’s a new moon eclipse on the 11th hitting the relationships angle of your chart. It’s going to be encouraging change in relationships, mostly arising from changes in your perspective of where you stand and where you want to stand; it’s really a shift in priorities that events this month help you get clear about. Then your ruling planet Saturn moves forward in the long-term aims and ambitions section of your chart from the 22nd, also helping you get clear, despite the feeling of being pulled in different directions which seems a key feature of current situations.

21st January – 18th February

There’s a new moon eclipse on the 11th, focusing on problems and solutions. It means there’ll be an emphasis on both but it’s easy to forget there’s a solution showing itself somewhere when the problem seems unmoving, so this is the time to let go and stop pushing against what doesn’t want to move. It’s the letting go that gets you moving in a different way, and eventually the problem does too. Some of what’s happening this month might be unfinished business from way back; it’s not here to haunt you, you just know what to do with it now.

19th February – 20th March

This month’s eclipse on the 11th falls in the most creative angle of your chart, so it’s about how and what you want to put your heart into, whether it’s projects, past-times or romantic pursuits, it’s all about the passion; so make this eclipse work for you by following your bliss, not your obligations or expectations. And especially the expectations of others, which might be a challenge seeing as there’s also a heavy emphasis on significant relationships this month, but keep the faith to clear the way for win/win scenarios.

Monday, May 31, 2010

June Horoscopes

21st March – 20th April

Ideally, it would be great to practice counting to ten within this month’s highly charged atmosphere but there’s not always time, and your patience is as thin as the highest mountain air (especially around the 12th). The positive side of this is situations move fast to solution, and your brainwaves really are very brainy. End of the month there’s an emotionally power-packed eclipse that brings priorities into razor sharp focus. Eclipses are long-term influences so situations taking place around them have significance somehow for months to come.

21st April – 21st May

The underlying vibe at the moment is that anything is possible, which is definitely positive and exciting, but sometimes the unpredictable nature of that idea is something Taurus could do without, as you do like to anchor yourself in something more solid than unlimited possibilities (something to bear in mind when feeling irritated with that butterfly you can’t pin down). So it’s a month for getting used to the sense of freedom this unpredictability brings, especially during quite a communication heavy (but emotionally productive) full moon eclipse on the 26th.

22nd May – 21st June

The world’s on your wavelength up to the 21st, so now’s the time to get your message across. A lovely new moon on the 12th in your sign is the moon to either make a wish upon, or set some new goals (same thing really, just the latter sounds more practical earthy). Around 14th watch for some wildly interesting developments in matters of the heart, then focus moves towards finance. End of the month might feel a bit full on at times, but includes a full moon eclipse around the 26th that works fast as lightning on stuck situations.

22nd June – 22nd July

First half of the month is about self-reflection and taking time-out to ponder priorities. Work intuitively with this as your dreams and hunches can give you the info and answers you’re looking for (especially around the 12th). Then the sun is in your sign from the 21st, and you’re ready to face the world renewed. Good job, because situations are about to take your time and energy big style, as change is in the air in all sorts of ways, amplified by the full moon eclipse on the 26th; eclipses are about long-term change, so yes, it’s all happening for you right now.

23rd July – 23rd August

Venus is in your sign this month, which always blings up your aura and makes you a bit more of a force to be reckoned with. It also helps you get your message across, and you have got rather a big message to get across at the moment, as you’re on a fast track learning curve of experience that is shaping your perspective of life, love, and the universe in a truly unique way. You’ve learnt more about yourself recently than you have in years, and this is set to continue, symbolised by the powerful full moon eclipse around the 26th.

24th August – 22nd September

Action planet Mars moves into your sign on the 7th, which symbolises plenty of motivation and momentum for prioritising and dealing with details, and also for finding reserves of energy to draw on, especially when Mars aspects the hidden power of Pluto midmonth (strong on the 17th). Around the 20th there’s a lot of sorting out going on in relationships, especially ones that include career or long-term plans, and then around 26th there’s a full moon eclipse that acts as a catalyst for meaningful emotional experience and fills situations with future significance.

23rd September – 23rd October

Relationships have got ‘interesting’ over the past few weeks; not so much ups and downs as on/off switches. And lightbulb moments. And electric atmospheres full of shocks, goosebumps and static. It’s a lot to take in, and this month there’s more; especially in the final week around the 26th, when the full moon eclipse plugs in and amplifies the energy tenfold. This eclipse is about bringing a balance back between issues such as career versus family, past versus future, and comfort zones versus ambition; and relationships/partnerships play a major part as catalysts for action within those issues.

24th October – 22nd November
There’s been a lot of keeping the faith required lately, because while there’s lots of positive change about, it hasn’t been coming in the way you quite expected, or in a way you could have predicted. So it has been more difficult to lean on or rely on it coming, especially when what you don’t want doesn’t change. This is going to be a major theme of coming months, as the eclipse on the 26th sets a long-term tone for events; so the main thing remember is anything is possible right now; especially the good stuff.

23rd November – 21st December

The new moon in your relationship chart (around the 12th) symbolises new beginnings and a new attitude, not only in personal relationships but also work and finance related too. Remember that others need a chance to catch up with your new attitude, so soften your frustration if they don’t get you straight away. There’s a full moon eclipse at the end of the month (26th) that is big news for Sag; what happens around that time has long-term significance somehow. You are capable of anything right now, so keep your focus off what you don’t want and on what you want.

22nd December – 20th January

There’s a big old planetary aspect sitting right on top of your comfort zone all month, which can feel a bit disconcerting at times, like there’s nowhere to hide, but at the same time it’s strangely refreshing to have the drawbridge down and the door wide open to the unexpected. This ties in with a deep and meaningful full moon eclipse in your sign on the 26th, which is important because events around eclipse time are often filled with longterm significance (last eclipse like this was at New Year), and can set you in a direction that shapes the months to come.

21st January – 18th February

Communication is creative and productive first half of the month, it feels like you can really get to the heart of the matter (especially around 12th); but really, communication is big for you in all sorts of ways now that your ruler Uranus has moved into the angle of your chart linked to all this. News and information will keep on coming, moving you in unexpected directions and away from predictable old paths, so keep that in mind towards and during a rather tense full moon eclipse on the 26th, when it’s easier to feel off track than realising you’re on a new path.

19th February – 20th March

During the first week of June you don’t mind rocking the boat a bit and feel more like stirring up situations rather than avoiding confrontation. What’s nice abut this is the planets are also supporting your natural urge to diffuse and dissolve conflict, so it’s less likely to escalate into something unwanted if you do step up and take your stand. Finances are interesting at the mo because of the atmosphere of unpredictability; things are just as likely to move positively as negatively, so you may as well stay optimistic (especially through the emotionally full-on full moon around the 26th)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

May Horoscopes

Honest, it was Mercury retrograde! that was the reason I had to be reminded I hadn't posted horoscopes at beginning of month! And my rabbit in headlights countenance due to bamboozling outer planet transits didn't help either. Sorry, using astrology as an excuse is no excuse for an astrologer :)

21st March – 20th April

There are big changes coming up for Aries, symbolised by barrier-breaking Uranus starting a journey through your sign from the 28th. It’s a long-term journey, lasting years, and it’s all about your uncompromising search for more freedom and less limitation. There have been rumblings in the background pointing to change for quite some time, but it has been in the background. Soon it’s coming to the forefront, but till then it’s about preparation; loose ends are tying, things are coming together and pieces are starting to fit (especially regarding events from late last year).

21st April – 21st May

The sun’s in your sign till the 21st, so make the most of being under the cosmic spotlight as the world is tuned to your wavelength and ready to co-operate with your wishes. There’s a new moon in your sign on the 14th, which is great for new beginnings and for seeding creative ideas for the future. Also at this time, Mercury (planet of mind-power and communication) changes direction, symbolising an significant change of perspective in you, and points to a turnaround in any situation where you’ve encountered delays or setbacks in recent weeks (especially involving communication) .

22nd May – 21st June

Your ruler Mercury has been retrograde (appearing to move backwards) for a while now, symbolising how you’ve been experiencing the need for a different perspective or a different approach to certain situations. From the 12th Mercury turns to move forward again, and yes, this coincides with a turnaround in situations, especially in those that you felt were going nowhere fast or that seemed stuck in the past. This month also brings to light some info that helps you trust your direction from here too. Oh, and the Love Goddess Venus is in your sign too, which means you’re a total love magnet.

22nd June – 22nd July

You’re ready to get going and make some dreams come true this month; resistance is futile as there’s no going back on this, but there’s probably a few limitations you need to work with just now, which might slow things down somewhat but don’t let it stop you (especially around the 9th). Uranus, planet of freedom, is heading for the long-term aims and ambitions angle of your chart, and Uranus brings change, usually in unexpected and sudden ways but the change always matches and supports your intentions for the future in some way, so it’s now time to make your intentions clear to yourself.

23rd July – 23rd August

The sun is spotlighting the aims and ambitions section of your chart, which means light being shed on your current direction, as well as attracting what you need to further your next step. The new moon here on the 14th is about sowing seeds for the future, and also around that time there’s a turning point in finances, and communication, that makes you feel you are moving forward again. By the end of the month action planet Mars clashes with dreamy Neptune, so it’s an illusion that you’ve run out of steam, the mind fog is temporary, but your creative vision is something to rely on.

24th August – 22nd September

Saturn is in your sign causing delays again, slowing down your plans to rise phoenix-like from the embers of recent months events. It’s your perfectionist attention to detail you see, prodding the phoenix in you to check and recheck all the doors are locked and the iron’s unplugged before you can fly free. But fly you will, especially once your ruler Mercury starts moving forward midmonth, symbolising a turnaround in your approach, as well as a new outlook toward certain situations.

23rd September – 23rd October

Your ruler Venus energises the beliefs and perspectives angle of your chart till the 20th, symbolising an urge for different viewpoints and for information that gives new meaning to existing situations. And there’s no shortage of viewpoints being offered, especially midmonth, when a lot seems to happen all at once around you, much of it feeling out of the blue. When Venus shifts focus to your long-term ambitions after the 20th, it’s easy to get locked into a power struggle over any opposition to your plans but it’s not worth the hassle. Let go of the struggle and keep your focus on the future.

24th October – 22nd November

There’s a focus on relationships for much of the month, with a new moon around the 14th energising this angle of your chart while Mercury changes direction, which symbolises a turnaround in your thinking about partnerships, contracts and commitments with others. Recent weeks have had you thinking differently you see, due to circumstances that encouraged you to go over old ground, or forced a review of your position, but now you’re moving forward and looking forward again (good to remember during final week when communication looks deep and intense).

23rd November – 21st December

You are so not in the mood to have your sense of freedom messed with this month, and yet you’re encountering denials, delays or disapproval, especially with regard to long-term plans or career aims. But your ruling planet Jupiter is slowly heading to join the boundary-breaking Uranus, which doesn’t happen often, and indicates bright ideas and alternative paths and solutions arising when you least expect them. It’s a time for going against the grain, the crowd and the herd, which others might not like but might respect you for. Eventually.

22nd December – 20th January

There’s still a big emphasis on pushing boundaries this month; its really about breaking with the past, or those rules you set yourself in the dim and distant past that may not be serving you as well today because you’re a different person now playing a different game. There’s an element of unpredictability to events because of this, but out of the unexpected can come some nice surprises, especially as this month’s new moon (new emotional direction) points to creativity, romance, fun and entertainment.

21st January – 18th February

Uranus, your sassy, trend-setting ruling planet, is about to leave the money and value angle of your chart, where it’s been hanging out since 2003. Uranus is about freedom, independence, super-intelligent solutions, and alternative routes, and since 2003 issues around money, property, income, and even self worth (it’s everything you value and how you value it), has been throwing up circumstances that fired the desire in you for more freedom, independence, etc. So now your more of all that, Uranus’s work is done. Except for what happens this month, which is more of all that.

19th February – 20th March

There’s an emphasis on communication for much of the month; things have been a bit backward in moving forward in recent weeks, but the turnaround is in sight on this. There’s also a lovely communication-orientated new moon on the 14th for you, which can symbolise new beginnings and new phases in situations as a result of talks or new contacts and connections coming your way. Events around the 9th can be unusual and unexpected (in a good way when it comes to matters of the heart); and because change is in the air, May is a great month for breaking your own rules.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

April Horoscopes

21st March – 20th April

The sun is in your sign till the 20th, so don’t look outside yourself for the light at the end of the tunnel because you are that light on situations; especially during the first week when planets link up your finance, creativity and long-term ambition. Then there’s the new moon in your sign on the 14th. Around that time positive thoughts of the future can work magic for the months ahead; think of it like planting seeds: you don’t see much of anything going on for a while, but deep down it’s all happening.

21st April – 21st May

Your ruler Venus is in your sign this month; always a good indication that it’s going to be easier to feel more in tune with yourself, and more at one with yourself whatever is going on around you. Even more so when the sun begins its annual journey through your sign from the 20th. This also helps get the most out of Mercury moving backwards in your sign from the 17th. These retrograde phases get bad press but they’re great for seeing things a different way; especially the past and what that means for where you go from here.

22nd May – 21st June

There’s a change in direction for you, symbolised by the change in direction your ruler Mercury makes from the 17th. Before that, things might feel they’ve lost a bit of momentum and no matter what you do you can’t get back up to speed like you were. Fear not, this is temporary, and simply the process of slowing down for the direction change; otherwise you’d be on two wheels with a cartoon screech of brakes. Really, it’s all about seeing things from a different perspective, and the full moon on the 28th amplifies this in a way you can’t ignore.

22nd June – 22nd July

The new moon (new phase) on the 14th falls in the longterm aims and ambitions angle of your chart, symbolising a fresh perspective developing about your future plans. Also, a planet alignment in force for most of last year becomes active again this month, and it’s about speaking your truth. Think back to key moments last year and see how this was a major theme. It’s a restless, unsettled kind of vibe, that just can’t abide feeling limited by circumstance but which also understands the value of step by step progress, and it’s the tension of those opposites that makes it creative.

23rd July – 23rd August

Saturn (limits and barriers) moves back for a final run into the finance and value angle of your chart. It’s been a restrictive influence since 2007, but also in some respects the pressure of restriction has got your creativity flowing and has been productive, as you had to find ways to work around and within some frustrating limits. This month, unconventional and barrier-breaking Uranus is challenging Saturn’s limits, so like last year expect sudden breakthroughs and tension-relieving events (good around the 28th, when a stubborn full moon has got you in no mood for making the first move).

24th August – 22nd September

Saturn is moving back into your sign for a few months; it’s the planet symbolising responsibility and therefore the pressure of leadership, which in Virgo land translates as extra guilt and worry about doing the right thing. It’s difficult to know what the right thing is sometimes though, or in other words, who to do the right thing by. As Saturn is in your sign it indicates it’s you that you have the responsibility to regarding this, and everything else then falls into place. As the weeks go by, events throw up more and more barriers to breakthrough and realise this.

23rd September – 23rd October

The limitations and frustrations you’ve experienced recently are lessening now that Saturn has retreated temporarily from your sign, and instead there’s the echoes of themes from key points of last year where conflicts of interest and loyalties seemed to see-saw your focus between differing sides and perspectives; in a way that made a fair solution all round seem impossible to reach. As it’s always about balance and harmony with Libra, this no-solution feeling hit hard; however, the coming months are about to change this, and answers come into view.

24th October – 22nd November

There’s still lots of focus on problem-solving, or solution-finding (latter is better, as it focuses on where you want to go rather than what you want to leave behind), and you’re enjoying the change in momentum over recent weeks, from delay and setback to a gradual getting up to speed with current aims and ambitions. The new moon around the 14th emphasises this, as events affirm the forward feeling movement; then it’s all about relationships after the 20th, which might be the only sticking point but therefore means the chance to put those solution-finding skills into action

23rd November – 21st December

There’s an inspiring new moon (new phase) in the most creative angle of your chart around the 14th. The strongly motivating influence of this new moon can offset any negative feeling found from the re-emergence of certain issues from last year; remember the limits versus freedom conflict? Step-by-step versus highly-charged quantum leaps? The conditional versus the unconditional? It’s all there again but this time you’ve the benefit of previous experience: knowing there’s always a way through the head-scratching paradox of how to blend opposing factors (especially during the final week).

22nd December – 20th January

Your ruler Saturn is having a change of mood this month, symbolising the re-emergence of an urge to micro-manage every last detail. Saturn is right at the top of your chart, showing your strong desire to keep on top of longterm plans and ambitions, but your best efforts to achieve this in your favoured step-by-step responsible manner can feel thwarted by circumstance right now (especially through communication) . The answer is to welcome the unpredictability if you can, as your ingenuity and intuitive response will get a good workout. Gives you a break from detail chasing too.

21st January – 18th February

Your two ruling planets, Saturn and Uranus stand opposed to each other again this month. This was a big theme of 2009; symbolising a clash of interests within you that projected out onto various situations, regarding trusting the process and accepting what you can’t control, especially around finance and property. Saturn energy is about limits and boundaries while Uranus defies terms and conditions in pursuit of freedom of expression, so however it plays out, whoever seems in opposition to you, it’s still a mirror of a fight you’re having within yourself. Make peace with yourself first and the mirror will reflect it.

19th February – 20th March

Law-abiding Saturn moves back into the relationship angle of your chart this month, for another confrontation with law-breaking Uranus. It means the re-emergence of a conflict that came up quite a bit last year, involving your freedom and the limits you keep hitting with others in pursuit of that freedom. Uranus is unconventional and unconditional while Saturn demands that all ‘keep off the grass’ signs are adhered to. But as ever in astrology-land, the paradox in energy produces a satisfying solution; as long as both sides are acknowledged and valued for what they are seeking to achieve.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

March Horoscopes

My horoscopes for this month are up, have a read at this site :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February Horoscopes

ooops, bit late with the link, but Feb horoscopes are here :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Solfeggio Harmonics

I think this is probably a Neptune in Aquarius thing: music for healing rediscovered for a new age; I hadn't heard of Solfeggio Harmonics till just recently, but according to this website:
the original sound frequencies were used in Ancient Gregorian Chants, such as the great hymn to St. John the Baptist, along with others that church authorities say were lost centuries ago. The chants and their special tones were believed to impart tremendous spiritual blessings when sung in harmony during religious masses. These powerful frequencies were rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo as described in the book Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse by Dr. Leonard Horowitz.
The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include:

UT – 396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear
RE – 417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
MI – 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
FA – 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships
SOL – 741 Hz – Awakening Intuition
LA – 852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order

For example, the third note, frequency 528, relates to the note MI on the scale and derives from the phrase "MI-ra gestorum" in Latin meaning "miracle." Stunningly, this is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA – the genetic blueprint upon which life is based.

I don't understand all that to be honest, but it's an interesting read; anything that stresses the importance of energy and vibration and wavelengths is ok with me (and it's oh so Aquarius, I feel, that squiggly symbol of Aquarius and the idea of wavelengths). There's lots of examples on YouTube of this music, which is uber relaxing and has the most fabulous images to go with it, and I can recommend the Source Vibrations album as pretty much the best music I've heard to use in healing sessions. There's definately something about this stuff that goes beyond it being just sweet and soothing. Here's an example of the relationships one, the 639Hz, have some of this to heal your frazzled nerves:

Solar Eclipse In Capricorn Jan 15th 2010

Eclipses are BIG signposts in astrology; big neon flashing signposts that shout ‘this is the way forward!’ Eclipses tend to happen two at a time, within a couple of weeks of each other (during New Years Eve we had a lunar eclipse in Capricorn, and now we’ve got the solar eclipse two weeks later to make the matching pair), and eclipses also happen twice a year, within about six months of each other. On top of that, they cycle through different signs of the zodiac over a period of about 19 years.

Each sign that the eclipses fall in can indicate the way forward through current life challenges because each sign has a particular way of approaching life; each sign has its own way of going about things and responding to problems and challenges, so whatever sign you are, and whatever it is you are personally going through (and eclipses do tend to stir up quite a bit of stuff that can stay relevant for months to come sometimes), these January eclipses are indicating a call for a Capricorn-esque response.

So what’s the underlying essence of the rumblings and stirrings that current situations have been bringing to your attention over the past few weeks? Eclipses are about moon cycles, and the moon rules emotions and feelings; so it’s about the emotions (usually negative at first) that situations are putting you in touch with - Powerlessness? Frustration? Overwhelment? For example, As I write this, the UK (whose sun-sign is Capricorn), is under an unusually heavy blanket of snow and ice. Collectively we’re all feeling the frosty pinch of popular Capricorn emotional metaphors: we’re all feeling a bit snowed under; a bit under the weather, a bit overwhelmed, a bit powerless against outside forces. We’re feeling a bit put in our place by the authority of the elements. It’s all very Capricorn, and it’s all very magnified, in that way that eclipses have about them.

But like I said earlier, just as eclipses stir up the kind of stuff very much associated with the sign they fall in, they also how they point to the way through it all: this is the flashing neon signpost that answers the question ‘how do I get through this eclipse stuff’ with ‘do it the Capricorn way’. Which means in its most positive sense Capricorn is a sign aware of current limits while not feeling defeated about future ambitions. It’s a sign that can look long-term, plays the long game by taking things step by step, and knows that day by day those steps mount up to something solid in structure.

Capricorn is very much aware of time, and like Old Father Time (a key symbol of the Capricorn season), is aware of its own mortality and therefore the temporary nature of all situations. Surrendering to the authority of time and trusting that all things happen in good time, turns out to be a potent stress reliever too; so basically, rather than being buffeted by overwhelming thoughts of the impassable, impossible limits of today, the Capricorn eclipse emotional rescue remedy is to quietly keep in mind that just like the heaviest of winter snow, in the grand scheme of things, ‘this too shall pass’.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

January Horoscopes

Happy 2010 :)

21st March – 20th April

It’s quite a trip for Aries at the mo, what with your ruler Mars on a return to the past in matters of the heart, and a gathering of planets piling on pressure in the aims and ambitions section of your chart, as well as a rather significant solar eclipse there on the 15th. It means that plans, especially career plans, are right at the forefront of your agenda and current events are reflecting that too. Because the nature of a solar eclipse is to frame a new emotional landscape for the coming months, whatever is happening this month is going to drive events and shape your attitude to them, for some time to come.

21st April – 21st May

There’s a solar eclipse on the 15th, in the beliefs and perspectives angle of your chart, which means events are making you consider and evaluate your views on life, love and the universe more strongly. As there’s been other planets active at this angle too for a while, it’s likely that this has held importance one way or the other for some time now, and possibly a process of reviewing outdated beliefs (about yourself especially) has already got underway, but as the new year gets going there’s no better time to start believing in yourself in a whole new way.

22nd May – 21st June

Your ruler Mercury is moving forward again, symbolising a positive turning point or turnaround for you in current situations and this is happening during an important solar eclipse around the 15th. Eclipses are like scene setters; they focus and amplify energy to point to themes that will weave through events for months to come. This one falls in the area of your chart linked to trust, and it’s really only about trusting yourself even when it seems others are part of the equation. In other words, trust that it can’t hurt to let go of what you can’t control.

22nd June – 22nd July

There’s a solar eclipse on the 15th; eclipses are always important in astro symbolism but especially so for Cancer, as your ruling planet is the moon and you have a special affinity with the wax and wane of those lunar cycles. This eclipse has extra significance too as it’s happening in your house of relationships, indicating turning points, turnarounds, beginnings, endings, and all sorts of meaningful events unfolding regarding relationships, partnerships, contracts and commitments, and what is meaningful during January seems to stay that way for months to come.

23rd July – 23rd August

2010 kicks off with a significant solar eclipse in the problem-solving angle of your chart on the 15th. Problems might seem to be amplified around that point, but it also means that solutions are there too. Eclipses are energy amplifiers, which is why things seem bigger and louder, but the process for solution-seeking is the same for both mountains and molehills, which is to keep focused on where you want to go rather than the issue itself; and to help catch your attention there’s some fabulous full moon energy on the 30th, when desire planet Mars meets love goddess Venus right in your relationship chart.

24th August – 22nd September

Eclipses set up dominant themes for the coming months and there’s a solar eclipse on the 15th that takes place in the matters of the heart angle of your chart. Which means there’s important events on the way circling around romance, creativity, fun, or whatever else it is that makes your heart soar. Eclipses can indicate big turning points in direction, and as your ruling planet Mercury is going through a change of direction at the same time, looking forward instead of looking back, it can mean 2010 gets off to a significant start.

23rd September – 23rd October

Saturn, planet of authority and rules, has been in your sign for a few months now, which means you’ve had time to get used to being the boss, or better said, a law unto yourself. Saturn turns retrograde (appears to move backwards) midmonth, which always means a turnaround in your approach to situations, as well as gaining different perspectives. There’s also the idea of reconstructing or reviewing your past, especially around solar eclipse time on the 15th, when the sun and moon meet in the angle ruling memories and feelings. Being comfy with yourself has never felt so important.

24th October – 22nd November

A solar eclipse on the 15th is happening in the communication angle of your chart. Eclipses are sort of culmination points of energy, where events unfold that can have long lasting effects, sometimes ending up as being profound developments in direction when viewed with hindsight. Your ruler Pluto meets communication planet Mercury here too, indicating a turnaround in situations where information or getting the message across is your priority; meanwhile co-ruler Mars is moving your focus back to basics in the long-term plans section of your chart, and what better time of the year to do so?

23rd November – 21st December

Your ruling planet, Jupiter, is switching signs this month. For the past year there’s been an emphasis on your communication and getting the message across in situations, then from the 18th the focus moves to comfort zones, so till 2011 it’s about stretching and expanding them. Emotional attachments, home and hearth, it’s all going to figure highly in the unfolding of events. There’s also a big solar eclipse on the 15th, in the finance and property angle of your chart. Things happen around solar eclipses that have long lasting emotional effects (though sometimes the benefits are only seen with hindsight).

22nd December – 20th January

Big start to the year for Cap, with an important solar eclipse in your sign on the 15th, as well as your ruler Saturn going retrograde (appearing to move backward) around the same time, until May. Saturn does this every year, and it symbolises a sort of restructuring process going on wherever Saturn is in your chart, at the moment this is your house of longterm plans and ambitions. Meanwhile the solar eclipse sets the tone of future events: whatever is going around that time (say a week either way of the 15th) can reverberate through situations somehow for months, even years to come.

21st January – 18th February

The solar eclipse on the 15th is important because whatever happens around an eclipse seems to stay significant for ages. For you the eclipse is working its energy in a kind of unconscious way, so keep a dream diary handy at night, and go with the flow of daydreaming and see where you keep ending up. The sun moves into your sign from the 20th, which again is a perspective enhancer, as is the full moon on the 30th, falling in the relationship zone of your chart; Venus is meeting Mars there, so opposites are attracting all over the place.

19th February – 20th March

Jupiter, planet of abundance and upliftment, starts a yearlong journey through your sign from the 18th. Pisces has a strong affinity with Jupiter so the vibes are good and easy from the start; doors that were closed in situations start to open, including those doors of perception, so expect changes in the way you’ve been seeing things to start happening, for the better. Just before that, on the 15th, there’s a solar eclipse in the hopes and dreams angle of your chart. This is the best time ever to sort some New Year resolutions and start living them.