Monday, March 14, 2016

March 2016 Horoscopes

Better late than never, here are the horoscopes for this month!! (Mercury is not even retrograde, I have no excuse for forgetting to post till now!). How has your month gone so far, did I get it right?

21st March – 20th April
Mars moves into your beliefs and perspectives chart from the 6th, indicating a broadening of horizons and a spiritual journey. Perhaps it’s via travel or education, or just the latest learning curve, but the 14th, 20th (when the sun moves into your sign), and especially final week relates strongly to this. As do two powerful eclipses on the 9th and the 23rd, which are about events holding long-term significance. Solar eclipse on the 9th says stop tripping yourself up with self-doubt or self-denial and go with the flow of positive feelings and insights instead. The lunar eclipse on the 23rd is about emotional turning points and new phases in relationships, contracts and agreements.

21st April – 21st May
Lots of focus on fun, friendship, groups and gatherings for much of the month, with significant events that move you forward and feel fulfilling. It’s all indicated by a powerful solar eclipse on the 9th that speaks of new beginnings in these areas of life that might initially require you to hold your nerve or stand your ground but are ultimately expansive and productive. Midmonth your ruler Venus is in on this, adding the power of your values and a sparkle to attraction. Lunar eclipse on the 23rd is about a new phase in your spiritual journey, and in health and fitness (maybe it’s all linked)

22nd May – 21st June
Lots of focus on long-term aims and ambition this month; particularly revolving around status, reputation and career. The planets are gathering in this area of your chart in a significant way, including Mercury (your ruler) from the 5th, and Venus (relationship and receptivity) from the 12th. A solar eclipse there on the 9th is about events during March that can shape aims and ambitions for this future. The lunar eclipse on the 23rd has similar meaning, but focusing towards fun, friendship, creativity, and links to groups or teams. You’re feeling single-minded when it comes to relationship priorities, and there’s an important turning point due in this around the 25th.

22nd June – 22nd July
Your sign has a unique affinity for the moon and its cycles, and there are two powerful eclipses this month (9th and 23rd) that are indicators of significant events with potential for long-term impact. Sometimes these events aren’t very dramatic or even very noticeable, but they can be a reason to do things differently, or be a starting point for a whole new direction. They are also doorways for opportunities to build on past progress, and the solar eclipse on the 9th is about this related to learning, and the broadening of horizons. Then important communication linked to long-term ambition and plans (especially career) might be exchanged around lunar eclipse time on the 23rd.

23rd July – 23rd August
There are two eclipses this month. They are powerful indicators of progress, development, new beginnings, and changes in direction. The solar eclipse (9th) speaks of events during March that can trigger profound emotional healing in longstanding situations. Issues around trust and/or intimacy become important, as do finances and security. The lunar eclipse (23rd) might feel lighter and brighter for you as it’s about changing perspective or view of things; sometimes quite literally via travel or education, but especially through communication. All this coincides with Spring Equinox (20th), which is a time of year that suits your nature, and always refreshes your sense of clarity and passion.

24th August – 22nd September
The planets show it’s all going on at once during March, which can overwhelm your urge for order and efficiency if you forget that you enjoy the creative conflict in organising chaos. There are two important eclipses (9th and 23rd) which are about situations unfolding with long-term impact. The first eclipse links to new turning points in relationships, contracts and agreements; the second is about things coming to a head related to self-worth, values, income, and purchases. Some situations this month can’t be sorted all at once; some can’t be sorted without opening your mind and/or heart to new possibilities. Either way, mess and muddle can be part of the perfect path.

23rd September – 23rd October
As March begins there’s a lot you feel prepared for, but some things you don’t feel ready for. There’s an emphasis on seeking solutions (and finding them) especially around solar eclipse time (9th), and midmonth. Eclipses are important because they indicate events with long-term significance, and there’s a second eclipse (23rd) with extra importance because it’s in your sign, and also because it coincides with events that challenge your current perception of yourself; especially in key relationships. It’s like a reboot or update to your system, with a temporary pause in connection and communication while restart occurs. After that you feel ready for anything.

24th October – 22nd November
There’s a bunch of planets, including a powerful solar eclipse (9th) in the most creative zone of your chart this month. It means this is the perfect time to learn about Law of Attraction and your innate power to manifest your dreams into reality (by thinking about what you want; not what you don’t want). It means lots of activity around projects and plans, peppered with plenty of opportunity for romance and fun; with a sense of ‘destiny’ or déjà vu in the mix too. There’s also a second eclipse on the 23rd which symbolises significant situations coming to a head involving justice, fairness, balance and equilibrium.

23rd November – 21st December
Mighty Mars, planet of action and momentum is in your sign from the 5th, so be crystal clear with yourself about what you want; especially during the final week when you start to restructure or re-establish your role in certain situations. There are two big eclipses on the 9th and 23rd, indicating events with potential to shape things long-term in a significant way. Solar eclipse on the 9th suggests new beginnings and turning points relating to home, family, your past, and your comfort zone. Lunar eclipse on the 23rd is about events coming to a head, with new phases related to friendship, fun, groups and gatherings.

22nd December – 20th January
There are two eclipses in March. Eclipses indicate events holding long-term significance and purpose. The first on the 9th deals in a big way with communication and information exchange and lots of planets currently in this area of your chart indicates more energy and activity for these situations too; key dates are 9th, 11th, 14th, and 17th. The second eclipse on the 23rd is about turning points and new phases linked to status and ambition, with emphasis on home and family and comfort zones. Your ruler Saturn is retrograde from the 25th, till August, indicating you’re restructuring and reorganising in a significant way. Don’t resist your process.

21st January – 18th February
Two eclipses during March (9th and 23rd) suggest this is a month in which events have long-term significance or deeper meaning and purpose, especially in relation to certain areas of your life. The solar eclipse on the 9th takes place in your self-worth and income chart which means your values, self-esteem, and relationship with money are highlighted areas. Plenty of other planets are involved too, which increases the activity and momentum in situations (especially 12th, 14th, 17th, 20th). The full moon eclipse (23rd) is about communication, information, and learning that inspires important changes in your perspective or mind-set; and a long-term learning curve comes to a head.

19th February – 20th March
Much of the planet action revolves around Pisces during March, which suggests this could be a standout month for you. On the 9th it’s the first of two eclipses, and it’s in your sign. It’s a solar eclipse, indicating important new beginnings unfolding with long-term impact. There’s a balancing act between nourishing your own needs, and putting time in to expand partnerships, contracts and agreements with others, and this is emphasised by the lunar eclipse on the 23rd which speaks of turning points linked to self-worth, income and shared finance. Stand out dates for harmony and romance are 12th and 14th, while 5th and 25th are productive, if pressured.

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